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!!! There are flashbacks from time to time so please be mindful of the tenses. It goes from present-past(flashback)-back to present. !!!

Chapter's Song: Dance (춤) - Offonoff

Songs used in the chapter
These Are The Lies - The Cab
I Smile - Day6
Dance - Offonoff


Younghyun wets his face before staring at the mirror. As droplets of water fall to the sink, episodes from few hours ago invade his mind.

"Sungjin," Jae uttered after the black-haired hastily took the lighter from his hand and put it in his pocket.

"Oh," his friend gestured a small bow to Younghyun but the latter just looked at him sharply "I was just wondering why you're suddenly gone."

"I just want to get some air, y'know I don't like the smell of cigarette," the taller shrugged.

Sungjin, the buzz-cut young man, eyed the cigarette butt between Younghyun's fingers before nodding to Jae. "I'll stay with you here then."

"No, it's okay," Jae showed a small smile "I'll go back in a while. Just wait for me inside."

Sungjin glanced at the black-haired, who was looking blankly at the parked cars in front of them, again before nodding to Jae and went back inside.

"Sungjin, huh?" Younghyun quizzed after the buzz-cut guy left. "Your new partner?" He asked--pertaining to a lover (or an almost lover).

Jae nodded--thinking that he was talking about partner in music.

Younghyun rolled his eyes as his jaw clenched. He did not even deny it. He huffed a sharp breath. Well, I don't care. It's not like we used to be a couple. He was just my cigarette; I was just an obligation to him.

"Well, good for you," he deadpanned which caused the other to furrow his forehead.

Good for Jae, huh? Then why is it that he's dishevelling his hair out of frustration? He washes his face again before marching back to his apartment's living room.

He grabs the lighter, that he got from Jae earlier, on the center table and takes his fourth bottle of beer before going to the veranda. He rests his elbows on the railing after taking a gulp from his bottle. His right thumb traces the tape on the lighter before he flips it to look at the color.

"Azure," he smiles bitterly as another memory flashes on his mind.

"What are you doing?" Younghyun asked the taller after standing beside him at the veranda.

Jaehyung shook his head and gave a tight smile. "Do you ever look at a person and think 'Oh, this color suits him'?" The fox-eyed turned to him with an eyebrow raised. "Like, when you look at me, you think of a color? Because I do."

Their eyes locked for a couple of seconds before they voiced out their thoughts. "Blue," they uttered at the same time which earned chuckles from both of them.

Jae looked at the lighter in his hand before raising it; making the sky as its background.

"They're almost the same," the older smiled as he compared the lighter and the sky before putting down his hand. "Some people may associate blue with melancholy but I see the sky every time I look at you--the sky which makes you want to spread your wings and soar the vast, to be free and to forget everything; the sky that will make you smile, because psychologically speaking, blue makes you feel at ease."

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