Killing Me Softly

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Song for this chapter:
1:31am by 2jae (Got7 Jaebum & Youngjae)

Songs used for this chapter
Rainy - Got7 Jaebum
1:31am - 2jae


"You're here," Sungjin says while panting when he sees Jae lying on the couch of his house.

"I'm sorry I left without telling you."

"No," Sungjin takes a seat "You were dragged by that Young K anyway. That guy has been shooting daggers on me since last night. I didn't know that Young K could be one intimidating guy."

Jae smiles a little. "He's the softest guy I know," he utters as he shifts his position.

Younghyun, on the other hand, can't even lie down. He pulls his hair as he asks himself again for the nth time about why he dragged Jae to the parking lot and attack his mouth aggressively.

He can still feel the sensation of the older's tear on his hand and he remembers clearly how his heart dropped when he realized Jae shed a tear.

Tonight is one of those nights again--one of those nights wherein he can't sleep because he's filled with thoughts of the older.

Late at night I think of you
Baby, late at night I think of you.

He remembers how he intuned those words while staring at the depth of Jae's eyes piercing on his. He huffs a breath and closes his eyes, leaning his head on the couch, as he recalls what happened tonight once more.

Feeling frustrated, he stands up and gets a cigarette stick and put it between his lips. With the lighter just an inch away from it, image of Jae appears on his mind again.

He hastily takes the butt away and runs his other hand through his hair. As more images of the former silver-haired lanky man appear in his mind, he gets the pack of cigarettes and crushes it. He walks towards his room and opens the upper drawer beside his bed to get another pack and squuezes it, too, before throwing both of the cigarette boxes.

He slumps on the couch, head resting on it, and stares at the ceiling, biting his lip. He rests the back of his right palm on his forehead as he shuts his eyes. He's craving for a cigarette.

It's driving him crazy. He knows he must stop smoking already that's why he threw all the cigarettes he had. But he's craving for more than just a smoke filling his mouth just to let it out. He's craving more for the kind of cigarette that doesn't just go between his mouth but the one that goes all over it. He hungers for Jae's lips crashing his.

It's not the harmful materials in a cylindrical roll that's killing him but the absence of Jae, the loneliness that engulfs him.

Younghyun is waken up by the constant hammering on his door the next morning. He squeezes his eyes before opening it. He groans as he gets up before pacing towards the door.

"What happened last night? You just stormed out and left me," the pink-haired lady artist complains, earning a groan from the young man. "Dude, it's already lunch time," Miso pushes Younghyun to enter the apartment. She drops her bag before flopping herself on the couch. "Want me to cook for you?"

The young man yawn in response as he sleepily walks toward the couch just to lie down again. The lady singer shakes her head and clicks her tongue before heading to the kitchen.

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