Chapter 16 ྿ How Much For The Arm

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On Wakanda, Shuri was still working on getting the stone out of Visions head and she was trying her best to go as fast as she could. Wanda watched and closed her eyes. Brazen saw the expression she carried and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Down at the field a majority of the border tribe were getting knocked over by Cull and T'Challa noticed. Yelling, he made his way over and used the power of his suit to knock the creature down. Rocket was on the other side shooting down incoming aliens alongside Bucky. "Come and get some, space dogs!" He yelled as he fired. Bucky saw some heading towards Rocket's blind side and grabbed him. Shooting the alien, he spun around as they both shot the aliens around them. After it was done, he dropped Rocket. "How much for the gun?" Rocket asked. "Not for sale." Buck states as he fired at another alien. "Ok. How much for the arm?" Rocket asked when he got a no. Bucky just gave him a look before walking off. "Oh, I'll get that arm."

Thor grunted as he attacked his portion of Aliens beside Groot and Steve. "New haircut?" Steve asked. Thor points at Steve before gesturing towards his own beard "noticed you've copied my beard." Thor mentioned. Steve nodded as he panted. Groot used his arm to impale three aliens. "By the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree." Thor announced. "I am Groot." Groot said. Steve looked over at the tree before saying "I am Steve Rogers."

Distant rumbling could be heard as Shuri kept working on the stone. Wanda left her spot beside Vision and walked towards the window. Brazen followed suit. A piece of large machinery broke through and under the ground as T'Challa yelled at everyone "Fall back! Fall back, now!" Before clearing himself out of the way. Wanda from above noticed this and wasn't sure what to do before Brazen told her "Go. They need your help."

"Focus That Fire on the left flank, Sam." Rhodes told Sam. As Sam flew passed the wheel like structure and said "I'm doing it." He started to fire his weapons. O'koye and Natasha were still fighting with aliens on their end when another pair of the machinery wheels were heading towards them. They ducked thinking they were going to get hit until Wanda appeared and used her magic to stop it, causing her eyes to light up red. Raising it into the air, she slammed it onto the ground with a grunt. Looking back at Natasha, O'koye spoke up after seeing her extreme power "Why was she up there all this time?"

"She's on the field. Take it." Proxima said in her coms to Corvus when she spotted Wanda fighting alongside O'koye and Natasha. Corvus started to attack the guards that were near Shuri and Brazen heard from his spot down below. Running up, he blocked the alien from getting to Shuri as much as he could before getting thrown to the side. That's when Shuri closed the hologram and fired her own weapon. He knocked her over and Ayo went to attack but he did the same to her. That's when he jumped over and landed near Vision. Vision wasn't on the table anymore and attacked at the first chance he got, resulting into them falling out the window. (We jumped out a window - Baymax :'3 )

Falcon spotted them and spoke through the coms. "Guys, we got a Vision situation here." Was all he was able to say before he got knocked down by an alien. "Somebody get to Vision!" Steve yelled out. "I got him!" Bruce said as he flew over. "On it!" Eva called out. "On my way." Wanda spoke before getting hit by Proxima. "He'll die alone. As will you." Proxima said. "She's not alone." Natasha butted in and O'koye could be seen also preparing her spear. Proxima went to attack Natasha first and O'koye ran up the side to attack as well.

In the woods, Vision grunted as he got thrown to the side by Corvus. Cull came and smacked him with his hammer. Vision was about to use his stone when Bruce landed. "Oh, no, you don't. This isn't gonna be like New York, pal. This suit's already kicked the crap outta the Hulk." Bruce said towards them and Cull started to attack "What? No! No!" Bruce added before using his blaster to send them both towards a different area. "Guys! Vision needs backup, now!" Bruce said. "Got it!" Eva said as she was getting near. "Hulk? Hulk, I know you like making your entrance at the last second. Well, this is it, man. This is the last, last second" Bruce exclaimed.

The hulk buster's arm got ripped off. "Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!" Bruce yelled out and Hulk only came out for a second screaming "No!" Bruce sighed as he said "Oh, Screw you, you big, green asshole! I'll do it myself! Come on! Yeah!" He fought with Cull for a minute before using the arm that was pulled out to place it on Cull and blast him into the air. "See ya!" Bruce states. He saw the creature explode before exhaling and speaking "Hulk, we've got a lot of things to figure out, pal."

Natasha and O'koye still went at it with Proxima until the alien kicked Natasha down and threw O'koye over. Vision was still fighting with Corvus when Eva appeared. She used a blast to throw him away from Vision. "Let's go!" She said as she went to help him up. Corvus quickly recovered and threw her over as he grabbed Vision and stabbed him. "I thought you were a formidable, machine. But you're dying, like any man." Corvus said before pulling out the weapon. Vision fell.

Corvus was about to grab him when Steve could be seen zooming in and tackling the creature. He got up quick enough to yell back at Vision "Get outta here!" He punched Corvus twice before yelling "Go!" Eva got up and ran over to help Vision. Natasha stood right back up and continued to attack Proxima. It wasn't till Proxima got the higher hand when she pushed Nat onto the ground and went to slit her throat but Nat blocked it easily. Wanda took that moment to use her power to bring Proxima up and towards an incoming machinery wheel. Proxima yelped before she got sliced. Nat saw and said to Wanda "that was really gross" when a bit of blood landed on her face.

Steve was still fighting Corvus and Eva was helping Vision stand but struggled a bit seeing how he was a bit heavier than she had intended. She glanced over at Steve and used her magic to throw him back. Steve took a quick glance at Eva which turned out to be a mistake seeing how he got thrown on to the ground. As he struggled, Vision made his way up and stabbed Corvus with his own blade. Corvus groaned before falling over dead. Steve got up and helped Vision stand as Eva made her way over to the two of them. "I thought I told you to go." Steve told Vision. "We don't trade lives, Captain." Vision retorted.

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