Chapter 36 ྿ All Kinds Of Stubborn

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Thor could be seen standing outside taking in the scene and how everything currently looked. You were between Tony and Steve while you all walked. Tony was the first to spot Thor, but when you all did, you all walked up to him to see what he was looking at. "Oh my god...." you muttered once seeing the destruction. You stood in between Thor and Steve now. It wasn't till your eyes landed on Thanos when you shut up.

He just sat there until he felt eyes on him and looked up. Your dark ish golden like suit was covered in spots of dirt. "What's he been doing?" Tony asked. "Absolutely nothing." Thor replied. The four of you stood there looking at him. "Where are the stones?" Steve asked. "Somewhere under all this." Tony breathed out. "All I know is he doesn't have 'em." Tony added. "So, we keep it that way." Steve mentioned. "You know it's a trap, right?" Thor started to say. "Yeah... I don't much care." Tony replied. "Good." Thor stated back.

"Just as long as we're all in agreement." Thor said as his eyes started to light up blue and thunder could be heard cackling in the background. Electricity ran throughout his body as both his hammer and axe cane to him, not to mention his suit appeared. "Let's kill him properly this time." Thor added. The four of you started to walk towards him. You still stood between Thor and Steve.

"You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me." Thanos told you all. "I thought by eliminating half of life... the other half would thrive." He continued. "But you've shown me.... that's impossible." He added. You kept your eyes trained to the Titan for any sudden moves to attack. Steve was the closest to you at the moment as Thor took a different direction to go around.

The four of you looked at the Titan with caution. "As long as there are those that remember what was there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They would resist." He finished. "Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn." Tony mentioned. "I'm thankful." Thanos replied as he looked over to his weapon that stood beside him; planted into the ground by one end.

"Because now... I know what I must do." Thanos added and you made a face. Standing up, he went to grab his blade. "I'll will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then... with the stones you've collected for me... create a new one..." Thanos started to say as he placed his helmet back on. Steve was inching closer as well as you. Steve, however, made sure he was ahead of you just in case.

"Teeming with life...that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given." Thanos finished as he turned around to face you all. Thor let the lightening run down to his weapons. Your fists started to glow. "A grateful universe." Thanos then said. "Born out of blood." Steve added. "They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them." He then told you all and that's when the four of you started to attack. Thor was the first to throw a hit, then Tony, Steve and you.

Meanwhile, Hulk was trying to hold up his part to the best of his ability. He was grunting in the process as the water filled up to their chins. "See you on the other side, man." Rhodes told Hulk and Rocket. Ant-Man could then be seen using an item as a boat as he made his way over. "Hang on! I'm coming!" Scott called out. He jumped on a pencil before diving into the water below; trying to swim towards the area they were in.

Clint was still running down the tunnel, with the glove, that was lit up with red light which only turned on turning any sort of emergency. The creatures he had spotted earlier were still chasing him down. Taking out an explosive arrow, he placed one on the left, then on the right and a third on the left again before getting far enough to press the button and let it explode.

The explosion through him forward, but luckily he landed on his back. Quickly, he used his grappling hook to shoot up and hook to the upper floor. As he made his way up, he used the blade he had to slice some of the creature that were jumping up at him. He yelled at the tunnel he just came up from before grunting and laying on his back.

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