Tony and......School?

605 31 19

1st person P.O.V.

Adrian leads me into the dinning room, everyone is already seated and talking with one another. Stephanie is the first one to spot us.

Stephanie: "Are you alright (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "I apologize for my behavior..... I just needed to remove myself from that conversation..."

Veronica: "That's alright, you needed space to think things through...."

She smiles up at me.

Stephanie: "Come sit down, I made Chicken Alfredo!"

Adrian and I both take our seats right next to each other. I sniff the air, the smell of cooked chicken and seasoning drifting through the room, my stomach growls in appreciation of the delicious smell.

Antonio: "Let us all eat now."

I notice Alex shifting in his seat, Veronica looks just as nervous.

(Y/n): 'Adrian, look up...'

He looks up at me, an eyebrow raised.

Adrian: 'What's up?'

(Y/n): 'Your sister and Alex both look nervous.....look at their mannerisms, they keep shifting in their seats, they make fleeting eye contact with each other and specifically Alex,his muscles are tense....'

Adrian takes a glance at them and then looks back up to me, taking another bite of his food.

Adrian: 'I'm getting the impression that they want to say something but they're too nervous to say it.'

I nod my head.

(Y/n): 'Same here....'

Adrian: 'Do you want me to ask them, or do you want to do it?'

(Y/n): 'I think it would be best if you do so...'

He nods his head and opens his mouth to speak.

Adrian: "Are you two alright? You seem kind of tense...."

Alex: "Uuuuuuuuhhhh..... I-It's just that...."

Veronica: " see, the thing is.....that uuummm.... I'm uuuuuhhhh...."

I snort, Veronica looks at me and glares.

Veronica: "I'm trying here (Y/n)!"

Adrian chuckles and shakes his head.

Adrian: "Seriously what is up with the both of you?"

Veronica takes a deep breath and looks at Alex. He looks back at her and they both simultaneously nod their heads.

Veronica: "I have news everyone...."

Both Antonio and Stephanie look up from their food.

Antonio: "Good or bad?"

Alex: "...I-It would depend on the person hearing said news..."

Stephanie: "Well then, tell us.."

Veronica: "I'm pregnant......"

Stephanie practically screams, gets up out of the chair and runs to hug Veronica. Antonio has the widest smile that I've ever seen from him and Adrian is practically jumping up and down in the seat in joy, a large smile on his face.

Adrian: "I'm gonna' be an Uncle!"

Stephanie: "When did you both find out?"

Veronica: "This morning actually....I felt terrible when I woke up..... So I just said screw it and took the test....and it came back positive..."

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