Coronation, Drama and Assassination

541 19 4

1st person P.O.V.

???: "Lord (Y/n), please stay still!"

(Y/n): "I do not want makeup on my face! It is perfectly fine the way it is!"

I step away from them.

Adrian: "Ok, everyone out!"

Both Adrian and Kris push the group of supernaturals out, closing and locking the doors behind them. I take a deep breath and start to pace around the room, massaging my forehead with my hands.

Kris: "You ok?"

(Y/n): "Sensory overload, don't worry about it."

Adrian: "I can go and make some tea for you..."

I shake my head.

(Y/n): "Something tells me that, that won't do the trick."

Adrian: "Just let us know if you need anything ok?"

I nod, taking a deep breath to collect my thoughts.

(Y/n): "I just want to get this coronation done and over with, there's something on my mind that I want to put in place for this kingdom..."

Moon Goddess: "Oh?... Already wanting to get down to business I see..."

I hiss at how loud her voice is.

Adrian: "Hey grandma."

Moon Goddess: "Sweetie..."

She turns back to face me.

Moon Goddess: "What is it that you want to change?"

(Y/n): "The way omegas are treated here....Kris?"

Kris: "Well...we're seen as objects to be honest...the only reason why I'm known is because I stand up for myself against Alphas and the like..."

I huff.

(Y/n): "Enough said, let's get this thing underway huh?"

Moon Goddess: "I'll meet you guys at the coronation will do great things (Y/n)...."

I smile.

(Y/n): "Thank you."

Althea: "Our newest member to the throne, King (Y/n), shall take a stand and deliver a speech!"

Adrian: 'But you didn't write one up....'

Kris: 'I think the people want you to just do it off the top of your them a good impression on what their new number one King is like...'

I stand up, the large gold crown adorning my head. I fix my red and gold royal robes and approach the mic. Gazing out at the massive crowd many, many people are here, cheering, celebrating and smiling.


(Y/n): "You know....a couple of months ago I wouldn't have dreamed about this at all. Yes, I'm the last child of the late great King Onyx but I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, I learned what hard work was at a very young age, that I had to go and get what I want....And I want all of you to listen to what I'm about to tell you...."

The all quiet down....

(Y/n): "For the last couple of odd months I've come to realize that most people here......I will not be giving names.........yet.........but most people here do not care on what happens outside...and let me tell you....all of you should care.......I'm a survivor of the New Moon pack incident........they were all killed..."

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