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Hey so I had such frizzy hair like on a scale of one to ten I'd be like Merida from Brave plus like a wookie from Star Wars and on that scale from 1 to 10 I'd probably break that scale so here are some tips just to tame your hair or for nicer hair

1. Comb your hair everyday, I comb mine when I wake up, after I take a shower, and before I sleep, really works

2. Use the right type of comb for your hair, which I'll write another chapter about

3. When your taking a shower, focus more on the tips of your hair not as much the scalp, just to take care of the end so you don't get split ends

4. Use conditioner mostly on the bottom half of your hair not the top as much and again focus on the tips

5. Don't tease or back comb your hair, I use to do this and it really damaged my hair it cause split ends

6. Okay so this may be kinda expensive but a keratin treatment or rebonding, I swear it works so now j keratin my hair every month well I use to and if your interested in rebonding, I think you have to be like 13 or older

7. After you shower, don't use a brush when combing it, use like those large teeth comb ( sorry idk what it's called)

A/N: Hey so here's another one of my authors notes sorry if it gets annoying I hope your liking it so far message me if you have suggestions

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