Tagggggged part II

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One of my friends from Pinterest tagged me so I decided to do it on here as well cause why not, let's stay organized(plus I can have more words on here then on Pinterest) —

What makes me start crushing?
Deep and endless conversations
    And If you're tall

What makes me smile?
My friends and my favorite teachers. Oh and of course anime/my hobbies

What makes me laugh?
My friend Bart, every conversation I have with him I die of laughter. Also vines, they're classics. Basically everything funny!

What makes me cry?
Just about everything... yeah everything, I'm an easy person to make cry

What makes me angry?
Disrespecting people, not being listened to, repeating things over and over again, oh and people who don't know how to use a turn signal👏👏

What makes me sad?
Problems in the world, my grades, when my friends seem sad etc.

What makes me break promises?
I like to think I keep most of my promises, so nothing I know of yet? But I guess torture would make me spill?

What makes me change?
Stepping out of my comfort zone and of course time. Oh and dying my hair and dressing weird

What makes me lie?
Not to sure? Maybe to save someone's feelings, or to protect myself

What makes me love?
A connection and passion and friendship ⬛️🟪⬜️⬛️💖💛💙

What makes me hate?
Disrespect, no human decency, being an asshole for no reason

What makes me create?
Passion for what I'm creating, oh and praise! Give me all the praise in the world and I'd never stop creating

What makes me ask questions?
I ask so many and have so many, so basically anything I have any sort of uncertainty about. I love asking questions and understanding.

What makes me happy?
Being true to myself and spending time with my friends.
Also a perfect playlist
When your drawing turns out jusT right 👌🏻
Sunsets and sun rises
When you wake up refreshed
Flower crowns 💕uwu💕

What makes me try harder?
My own high expectations and my need to be accepted by basically everyone even though I know that's impossible 😂😂 but just knowing that if I put in enough work it will pay off, that gives me everything I need to try hard

What embarrasses me?
My public speaking when I say something dumb in class, even though I can act and work under pressure 😂

What frustrates me?
People that don't understand that my and others sexuality literally does not effect you in any way. My community/town is just really casually homophobic and it hurts, like it's something to talk about but not in the way they do it... they generalize and stereotype in the most negative way. And they use words as insults and very inappropriately

What makes me impatient?
Being late to things and events
    Oh and slow walkers

What makes me blush?
What doesn't make me blush is the real question

Yee if you're reading this you should do this tag, but you don't have to. But your should :))

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