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six months later

"It looks great," Sierra said, hands on her hips as she surveyed the room. Tonight was the grand opening of the museum exhibit showcasing the results of the island excavation. Taylor and Sierra were here, hours before the opening, wandering around and taking it all in.

Sierra brushed back a few loose strands fiery red hair from her face and readjusted her bun. "When did you say Elias would be here?"

"A couple minutes," Taylor said, feeling a tiny spark of anticipation. "His girlfriend is flying in too, but he doesn't know. She's going to meet us at the restaurant."

"Ooh." Sierra grinned. "So I finally get to meet her?"

"You've only been bugging both of us about it for the past five months, Sierra. It's his eighteenth birthday so I figured we'd all celebrate it together." Taylor ambled past the glass cases, perusing them lazily. "What's got you so interested in his girlfriend, anyway?"

"What can I say?" Sierra shrugged. "I have no love-life of my own. Thus, I must meddle in others'."

Taylor gave her cousin a flat look, both of them knowing that Sierra could have a love-life if she really wanted one—she just refused to accept the many offers of dinners and dates in favor of hiding in her office at the university, lost in a book...or joining her cousin on archeological digs.

"So you're surprising Elias with his girlfriend? Bet he won't be expecting that."

"That's kind of the point of a surprise."

Sierra chuckled and stopped to examine one of the displays. Inside on a little stand, the bright light shining down on it, was the flint knife Taylor had found at the dig site on the island.

Taylor glanced at her watch. "We should probably head out. Elias will be here soon."

"All right." Sierra stared at the display for a second, smiling, as if experiencing the excitement of a find all over again. "It never gets old, Taylor. Discovering evidence of past life. All that history, that culture. The humanity. You'll have to take me with you on your next adventure—you aren't going to give up archaeology, are you?"

"No. I've decided my vacation is over. Riyad wouldn't want me to give up what I love because of him. Plus, Elias is headed off to college pretty soon, and I'll have all that time on my hands. Why not spend it chasing down lost empires and buried treasure?"

"Does Elias know what he wants to study?"

"Archeology, I think."

Sierra chuckled. "I'm not surprised."

Taylor smiled. "Maybe he'll have you as a professor one day."

"You'll have to invite us all to join you when you find Atlantis or some place like that."

"I'll make sure to call you."

Sierra nodded. "Good. Now let's go find Elias."

Taylor shook her head, amused. Sierra never failed to provide some sort of entertainment. Turning around for a final glance back at the exhibit, Taylor sought the World War II display at the very back, containing the items found at the abandoned campsite and in the cave. The medals glinted under the lights, cleaned and polished. Her eyes lingered on the plaque mounted at the base of the glass case and the words etched there: IN LOVING MEMORY OF RIYAD BANKS. RESTING IN THE ARMS OF THE FATHER.

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