Chapter 5: My People

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I wasn't supposed to find him.

I wasn't supposed to find my mate. I... It was never a priority to find him. I figured when I had become a respected warrior I would take a week or two off and travel and find him. The moon goddess had other plans.

This complicates everything. Silas had mentioned a war soon and although it was said in anger I had the sense to take it seriously. A mate complicated things they make you emotional and sappy and well.. in love. It wasn't a weakness to have a mate but it made it immensely harder to focus especially when in battle. Never mind if they were in battle with you, it was near impossible to do your job because you spent more time worrying and protecting each other then fighting. Which benefited no one and left the mates annoyed with one another for putting themselves in harm's way.

Despite my internal freaking out I couldn't help but stare at him. Goddess, he was beautiful and strong and hot. So damn hot. Ugh. There goes my focus. The pull had already started as we couldn't help but want to be close to each other. He stood in front of me before gently pushing my hair back that had fallen into my eyes. " so beautiful, what's your name my love?"

My love? I was a puddle. Max was going to need a mop just to clean me off the floor. Max. oh! Alpha Mavros! "Max, I-" the beautiful man who was my mate growled in front of me eyes glaring at Max wanting an answer as to why I was saying his name instead of my mates. I rushed to explain before either one did something rash " hey! No, I- I know Maxton he rescued me that's how we met. I just got so caught up in- in looking at you that I forgot there were other people present. That's all please- please don't get upset,"

I touched his cheek and tried to catch his gaze " I-I only have eyes for you, uh-um.."

" Roman"

Oh, goddess. Nothing could stop the shivers overtaking my body the moment he spoke. Ugh, this man was going to kill me. I just knew it. I felt the smile on my face as he held my hand against his cheek.

" my name is Roman I'm the beta of this pack." " I figured as much, I'm Adya" " Adya. Beautiful." I blushed before continuing, "I'm a warrior I uh. Well I was a warrior for the south"

His back straightened and his gaze dropped to my feet. He didn't like that; I could understand why though. It's not like the south and north were on good terms with each other. "but!- but I left." He looked up quickly in confusion. "You left?"

"I uh found out some stuff that I didn't like and I didn't feel safe there anymore. They aren't the people I swore my loyalty to, and I decided I wasn't going to protect people who were not my own any longer." I could see him trying to mask the pride in his eyes at my last statement. Loyalty among wolves was expected but declaring it was something else entirely. He was proud that his mate was a warrior it bodes well for our future pups to have two strong parents as well.

"I was just talking to alpha Mavros about transferring here actually" Roman's eyes lit up as he brushed my cheek with his fingers. "alpha I know you requested me here to talk business but could we do that later on today? I would like to get to know my mate if that's alright with you" he looked away briefly to meet the eyes of his alpha before looking back into mine. "yes Roman go enjoy your mate. We'll discuss everything after dinner."

Roman nodded before grabbing my hands and leading me out of the office and down the stairs till we were outside again. He turned to me playing with my fingers in his hands "will you go for a walk with me Adya?"

"I'd like that" he grinned before tugging me in a different direction and began walking through the grass to the forest. "tell me about yourself Roman, what is it you do exactly as a beta of this pack?" he smiled, I could tell he liked when I said his name.

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