Chapter 6: In case you haven't noticed

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It had been a few weeks since I had found Roman.

I had moved into his house and my initiation into the pack was tonight, I was sitting in our bedroom trying to fix my hair in a way that made it look.. well,  like I cared how it looked. 

Roman and I were still getting to know each other and as much I loved and trusted him, I was terrified how this was going to play out. Everyone had been on edge lately from the silence coming from the south which could only mean bad things. I had been training with Roman and helping Roman train everyone else as best we could.

It still felt like it wasn't going to be enough though. I had taught them everything I knew. I just prayed it would be enough. Even though I wasn't technically a member of this pack yet, I felt like I was. Everyone treated me like I was one of them, regardless of whether or not I was.

 Carli and I had gotten closer over the past few weeks and when Roman and I pulled her aside to tell her we were mates, she screamed and then cried and then hugged me so hard I almost passed out, then started screaming again. All within 5 minutes. She was a woman of many emotions. 

 She welcomed me to the family and then introduced us to their parents who were quite similar to mine.

 Had they been here I know they would have gotten along well. I wished they were here, to witness me and Roman falling in love with each other, me becoming a member of this pack... I could only hope I was making them proud.

Cali and I had become closer then I'd ever thought possible. In the south I was a warrior, I didn't have time to socialize or make friends with anyone outside of work. So naturally, i assumed it would be the same here i warned Cali that I wouldn't have time for her or Roman but Cali didn't care.

 She hung out with me when she could, she would join me while patrolling sometimes or she'd bring me food when I was guarding. Roman and Cali were constantly around me in one way or another and although it was overwhelming at first, I got used to it very fast. It was nice, having people care about your well being like that. I had forgotten what it felt like to be cared for. To be loved. It didn't matter that I was her brother's mate or that I was once their enemy. I was family now and that was all that mattered.

when Roman and I were discussing where to live, he mentioned having a house close to the packhouse but was willing to give it up to move farther away for more privacy. I told him we would do no such thing. In The south pack, everyone was isolated we trained together and then we went our separate ways. We never really communicated or got to know one another unless we worked together. Here though, everyone was family even if they didn't speak often, there was just that level of understanding and acceptance in everyone. I loved it. I didn't want to be any farther away from it then I had to be. I explained this to Roman and he smiled before admitting he too didn't want to be any farther away from the pack then we already were.

I got dressed and made my way downstairs to find the other wolves who were also being introduced and initiated tonight. Most were families who were seeking refuge, some had been exiled from other regions and didn't want to be alone. Either way, Mavros had questioned and put them all on probation like me until he was confident we would fit in and truly wanted to become a member.

I could feel the nerves setting in, I was excited for this, although not as big as some would think, it was big to me. I followed the families out to the stage set up, I tried to find Roman in the crowd panicking slightly until he moved into view, he was near the front helping Mavros with the setup.

 We locked eyes and I couldn't help but smile, he was mine and I was his and after this ceremony, I was going to have a whole new family. A new pack to protect and care for, a new beginning and I couldn't wait.

We stood in a line at the front as Mavros moved down the line while chanting something to each person slicing his and their hands and then joining palms as they were connected to the community. 

He stopped in front of me and smiled " receperint mea, et fiet unum nocte ad viam Aquilonis. Leva in palmam receperint vos nostra, sicut et nos familiae." ( welcome my love, tonight you become one with the North. Raise your palm as we welcome you to our family.)

I could feel myself beaming with pride. I was one with them and they were one with me. I had found my place, my people. These people were not the enemies as I had once thought, they were in fact.. my family.

Mavros sliced the palm of the last person and conjoined hands before releasing their grasp and walking in front of everyone turning to face those initiated. His voice carrying over everyone present.

" tu suscipe officium tuum sicut membra et vindices hac sarcina pressit?"

( do you accept your duty as members and protectors of this pack?)

"Etiam" (yes)

" it is my pleasure to announce our new members of the family to the pack, please welco-"

The crowd starting whispering louder and louder making it hard to hear Mavro's speech as people moved to either side allowing a path to form down the middle.

" now Mavros don't stop on our account. I'd love to meet ALL your newest members of the pack"

I felt the panic rise in my chest, SILAS. He sauntered forward leading the way to the front of the crowd his eyes never leaving mine. He stopped directly in front of me. His boots touching mine as His hand moved to touch my hair. I flinched away from him and he growled shaking his head he smirked in a way only he can and turned to everyone.

" you might want to run, because in case you haven't noticed.. this War Has begun."

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