Build and Happiness

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Sungbear 6:24pm
Please see me.

Sungbear 6:24pm
Im sorry.

Sungbear 7:12pm
Im going back to Seoul tomorrow.

Sungbear 7:15pm
I'll wait for you outside

Sungbear 7:39pm
I won't leave unless you come see me.

Reading his last text, you heave a surrendering sigh and get up from your bed. You lazily drag your feet to take a peek from your window. You see Sungjin outside, rubbing his palms against each other, blowing on them before sliding them in his jacket. He's obviously freezing.

You shake your head. He should've just came inside the house.

You grab your jacket and wear it. Before you take another step, you see his cap--the one he gave you this morning--lying on your table. You glance at your beanie and back at the cap. You fold your lips together before putting it on and walk out of your room.

His eyes are hopeful when they meet yours.

“Speak,” you utter firmly as you put your hands in the pocket of your jacket, too.

He tilts his head for a moment. “Shall we go to our place?”

Your countenance softens subtly when he called it ‘our place'. You never considered it as your own. Although it has been your safe and healing place, you always think of it as Sungjin's secret place.

There is a few moment of silence when you arrive there. The breeze and the familiar sound of the sea fill the quietness between the two of you.

He is crouching on the ground and you are standing behind him, both facing at the sea.

“I'm sorry,” he finally utters but silence follows afterwards.

He stands up and speaks again.

“There used to be a girl who'd always protect me,” you glance at him with a frown. “She was really bright and strong. Then one day, she made me want to be a man, to stand tall and be the one to protect her. We were very young then, but I knew at the very young age, that what I felt for her was special.”

You huff and roll your eyes. You bite your lower lip as you try to ease the pricking on your chest. Did he want to see you to talk about some other girl? Did he apologize because he's going to hurt you--tell you there's someone else?

“Then one day, I was so surprised. She yelled out that she likes me,” he glances at you and your mouth fall agape.

You blink twice to process what he's saying and your heartbeat doubles when you remember shouting your feelings for him at the top of your lungs. It was the time when he took his blue flannel shirt off while playing basketball.

“It was so overwhelming,” his lips stretch into a grin. “No, that's an understatement. But you know, my heart felt like it was going to burst because I couldn't handle the emotion. It feels surreal. I never expected she would like me back.”

“You never showed your affection to her.” You clench your jaw.

He looks down and exhale a sharp breath. His eyes show a hint of sadness. “It was scary,” his voice shakes and you furrow your forehead. “How vocal you were of what you feel towards me scared the hell out of me,” you feel a thump when he changes the pronoun to ‘you'. “Hear me out first, okay?” He takes a look at you and you nod him to continue.

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