Chapter 11

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Yoda, Mace, Alia and Obi Wan ride in the Gunship as it heads for the Clone landing platform....Mace and Alia were sitting.

"Anakin did not take to his assignment with much enthusiasm," Alia spoke up.

"Too much under the sway of The Chancellor, he is. Much anger there is in him.... same goes for you, Alia. Too much pride in his powers... but you however are scared of your powers," Yoda replied.

"It's very dangerous, putting them together. I don't think the boy can handle it, I don't trust him," Windu said.

"He'll be all right... I trust Anakin with my life," Alia replied with a small smile.

"I wish I did," Windu whispered.

"With all due respect, Master... Is he not The Chosen One? Is he not to destroy The Sith and bring balance to The Force?" Obi Wan cut in...

"So the prophecy says.... but it also says something about a Force bond between The Chosen one and someone else," Windu added.

"A prophecy.... that misread could have been, but Force bond is is," Yoda replied.

"He will not let us down... He never has," Obi Wan said.

"I hope right you are. And now destroy the Droid armies on Kashyyyk, I will. May the force be with you all," Yoda smiled.

The Gunship landed and Yoda exits the ship... Alia, Mace and Obi Wan give him a brief bow, and suddenly the Gunship takes off.


Alia's Speeder pulls up to the landing platform right outside of her apartment....

Alia looked up and noticed Anakin standing out on the balcony... waiting for her, she hopped out of the speeder and slowly walked up to him... she knew she couldn't avoid him forever... and she needed to hear his side of the story, and soon she'd hear about Padme's story.

"A-Alia you need to hear the truth... I can't keep lying to you," Anakin spoke up.

"A-Are you the father of the child?" Alia questioned....

Anakin shrugged.

Alia stood there.... trying to figure out what to say next, she wasn't mad... she was upset, but she loved Anakin... and her love for is all that mattered.

"Do you love her?" Alia questioned.

"What? No! I love you Alia, I regret sleeping with her.... But when you got sent off to the Outer rim, I had heard about your ship exploring.... and I thought you died, and no one had heard from you in days... after it happened... I-I thought you died, and the thought of you dying haunted me...."Anakin paused.... tears forming up in his eyes.

"Padme came over that night after I heard the news.... We both grieved over the thought of your death, and I-It just happened.... we both regret sleeping with each other," Anakin finished.

Alia slowly walked up to him... once she heard the truth, she forgave him...she gently pulled him into a hug.

"I-I wanna forgive you Ani, I-I thought after you slept with her.... you'd leave me for her...." Alia said.

"I'd never leave you for her, I love you way too much," Anakin smiled.

"But you still slept with her... Anakin!" Alia yelled.

She quickly calmed herself down...

"Do you think we could ask her to get a blood test? J-Just to be sure?" Alia questioned.

"I-It couldn't hurt to ask.... but this doesn't change the fact, that I cheated on you.... Alia," Anakin whimpered.

She looked up at him, and raised her hands up and wiped away his tears...

They both looked at each other for what seemed forever...until Anakin pulled her into a kiss, but Alia pulled away......

Their force bond// Anakin Skywalker (book two)Where stories live. Discover now