Ch. 14: Villains?! LETS DO THIS!

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                    (POV: KITSUKI)

As everyone walks off the bus and to where Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen are standing, someone whistles and catches Kitsuki's attention. "Psst. Oi, Kitsuki!" Kitsuki notices Mei standing behind the bus and he walks over to her. "You brought it, right?" Kitsuki asks while crossing his arms. "Mhm! Here you go! Go get em!" Mei smiles and then begins running back to wherever she came from. "Heh. Time to show everyone." Kitsuki smirks while opening the briefcase.

                       *Time Skip*

As everyone walks into the USJ, Kirishima starts looking around with curious eyes. "Yo, anyone seen Kitsuki anywhere?" Kirishima asks while looking back to the group. "No clue, man. I haven't seen him since we got off the bus." Kaminari adds, scratching his chin. "Tch. He's probably going to give some grand entrance or something." Katsuki adds with an annoyed look as someone crashes down in front of them, cracking the ground. All they can see is the back of the person in a bright red costume with black detailing as they turn around, revealing Kitsuki as everyone gasps and their mouths drop. "WOW! YOU LOOK SO COOL MAN!" Kirishima exclaims in awe. "Why. Does. It. Look. So. Much. LIKE MINE HUH?!" Katsuki screams with an obvious tick mark on his forehead.
"I thought it would be cool since we're brothers and a-" Kitsuki is cut off by a portal appearing with people walking out of it. "Did training start already?" Someone asks as Aizawa steps in front of them. "This is not part of training, these are real villains. Everyone stay back!" He exclaims as he jumps down to them. The two brothers look at each other and smirk. "Villains?! LET'S DO THI-" The two brothers are cut off by everyone being teleported to different areas.

---Author Note: sorry this was short. its kinda late and Im tired so I didnt feel like writing alot. Ill make it up for the next one. Peace Out!---

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