Ch. 23: Meeting The Old Man

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                          *After The Sports Festival*

"Due to the recent events at the USJ, we have built a dorm building for the students to live in. We will need permission from your parents first, so All Might and Aizawa will be going to everyone's houses today. Good luck!" Nezu says with a sinister smile and everyone walks out.

                                  *Time Skip*

At the Bakugo house, Katsuki and Mitsuki are arguing as Masaru and Kitsuki watch in annoyance. "WOULD YOU TWO STOP YELLING! Yes, we will go. I'll go start packing now, actually." Kitsuki manages to shut them up and he begins walking upstairs, Katsuki close behind. "Well.....I'm very sorry for them, Mr. Aizawa." Masaru apologizes while bowing his head. "It's quite alright, Mr. Bakugo. Thank you for your understanding. We will take good care of them."

                                  *Time Skip*

The next day after everyone has picked their internships, Midoriya and Kitsuki are walking to an address that All Might has given them. "Are we there yet? We've been walking forever, MAN!" Kitsuki spits and groans with his arms behind his head. "We haven't even been walking for an hour, Kitsuki-Kun!" Izuku adds, reading the address and looking at the street signs. "Ah-ha! Found it!" Midoriya opens the door to an abandoned looking building and they scream at what they see, an old man with a red substance on the floor. "AAAAAAAAHHH!!! HE'S DEAD!!!!!!!" They both squeak as the man stands up dramatically. "I'm alive!" "AAAAAAAAHH! HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!" They squeal in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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