Colours of Love

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This is my first story, this story is based on some true events.


They say family is the most important thing in the world apart from love and a family's love is unconditional. But what happens if your family never shows that they love you? They always seem to find the bad things you've done and never the good? What do you do? Do you run away from it all? My name's Lucinda Matterson, I'm no taller than 5'3, I have long straight brown hair with streaks of blond and red at the ends, I have brown eyes. I'm 17 years old and I'm in year 11 at Starlight High School. I guess I'm an ordinary girl at school, but when I'm at home everything turns bad.

It all started about 10 years ago, when my two little twin sisters turn 1 on the 18th of June, 2002, only a few days after I turned 7. I was getting my sisters Monique and Natasha ready for the party my parents had organized, when my older brother Daniel knocked on the bedroom door,

"Luc, mum wants to see you in the kitchen," His voice calm but also slightly demanding.

" Yeah alright, give me a minute Dan I gotta get the twins ready," I tried to quickly get the twins ready so I could go see mum.

"Here I'll get them ready for you," He offered, but I knew that he didn't want to.

"Thanks Dan,"

I stood up and kissed his cheek as I headed towards the kitchen. (Daniel was 9 then and now is 19 , he's fairly tall and muscular, he has short brown hair that he usually spikes up, hazel eyes and tanned.)

"Hey mum, Dan said you wanted to talk to me.." I said with a worried tone in my voice.

"Look, I know you've been looking forward to helping celebrate the twin's first birthday, but your father and I have decided that, you are not to socialize during your sister's party. You are to serve drinks and make sure everyone is having a good time, understood?" Mum's voice started as comforting the changed into a sern tone.

"Yes mum, but can I at least have a little bit of fun since my sisters are turning one?" A part of me was hoping she'd say yes, but I had a gut feeling it wouldn't be that way.......

"No, you must do as you're told or there will be serious consequences!" She replied harshly.

"Okay mother, sorry for wasting your time," I turned around and started to get organized for the party, I sighed, why me?

As the family and close friends of my parents came to my house for the party,I did as I was told and served drinks on a waitress tray (I'm not sure how we got one), food that I had to set out on a platter that had to be approved by my mum and I made sure the music was loud enough for people to dance to and soft eough for people to talk over and have conversations. Every time I looked over mum and dad were giving me stern looks and making sure I was doing as they said, it was as if I was walking on a tightrope, one wrong move and I was dead. Even though I was told not to socialize I still made an effort and dressed up, in a light blue dress, with a pair of black flats and whipped my hair into a ponytail but left some hair loose at the sides which I had curled using mum's curling iron.

Nobody questioned why I wasn't enjoying myself until my cousin William worked out something was up,

"Lucinda, come dance, you've been serving drinks and food the entire time....." William exclaimed excitedly then making his voice winey.

William is only two years younger than me, he has blondish bown curly hair that never seems to change, bluish green eyes and pale skin. I bent my knees so I was the same height as him.

"I can't Will, Zia doesn't......" I tried saying as nicely as possible before I was cut off.

"Lucinda! What do you think you are doing?" Her voice booming with anger.

"Talking to William....?" My tone was starting to become shaky.

The next thing I knew, I was being dragged by my ponytail, the tray of glasses that I had in my delicate hands fell and shattered into a million pieces. Mum was dragging me to my room where she threw me on the floor with a great deal of force, I went sliding across the floor and smashed into the wall. The thump of me hitting uo against the wall didn't seem to worry my mother a tiny bit, she just grabbed the the door knob and slammed it shut. As soon as I heard her footsteps fade I picked myself up and felt my head throbbing, I threw myself onto my bed and cried, cried because my body hurt, cried because I'd just been dragged by my hair by my mother in front of every person who had come to celebrate my two little sister's birthday.

Thanks for reading,

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