Going Through Hell

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This chapter is based on some true events...

I thought all I need in life was a good education and a loving family, but I guess when you don't get the happy loving family you're after, your entire world crashes and starts crumbling underneath your feet or you get the feeling you're falling, falling from millions of kilometres above the sky, falling at a high speed and there's nothing you can do besides fall and hope, pray you'll land safely.

My life just seemed to get tougher and tougher, my family seemed to hate me more and more which left me isolated and alone. I didn't really have any friends, I wasn't really liked. Because my family treated me like shit, I adapted an attitude that I used to stick up for myself when I got abused by my younger sisters, older brother and my parents.

I guess I didn't think of any of this until my parents had just dumped me at the person who hates my guts with a passion.......my nonna, that was when I was 14.

On the 15th of October, 2009, I was sitting in my room with my uniform still on, music playing, I was starting to prepare for my end of year exam for advanced maths.

When mum opened the door and invited herself in my room,

"Lucinda, there's washing, ironing, dishes, mopping and dusting that needs to be done," Her voice sounded soft......that's strange....

"Yes mum," I let out a deep breath and turned off my music and stood up walking towards the door.

"And clean up this mess," Her voice raising and becoming a tad scarier, and there's the good mood gone...

Ughh more homework, I kept thinking in  my head, over and over and over again, if I fail any test in my high school life, I will blame it all on my family.

I grabbed the mop and a bucket of water and mopped the tiles in the house, which didn't take too long, as I had cleaned it everyday,while the floor was drying I started the vacuuming, it was best it was done so mum and dad didn't go off at me for it. luckily there isn't much carpet that I have to vacuum because I really don't like it. As soon as I finished vacuuming, I got the duster out and dusted all around the trophy cabinets, most of them were full of Daniel's cricket, basketball and football trophies, and Monique and Natasha's dancing trophies.

I walked into the formal lounge where mum usually did the ironing, if I was out. I flicked on the tv and filled the iron with some hot water and allowed it to heat up before I had started ironing all dad's shirts and pants, the twin's skirts and dresses and a few things that were Daniel's and mum's.

Once the pile of clothes were all ironed I turned off the tv and turned the radio on, so I had something to listen to while I was washing the dishes. My peace and quiet didn't last long, Monique came screaming into the kitchen demanding me to do something for her.

"Tinda, you have to help me NOW!"  her voice booming into my ears.

"Sorry Monique, can you see I'm kinda busy at the moment?" I tried to make my tone calming, in hope Monique would calm down and leave me alone, but Monique just looked around at what I was doing.

"Well, it doesn't look like you're doing anything, sooo you can help me, you have to help me!"

"Monique, seriously, can you not see I'm doing the dishes, once they are finished I'll help you with whatever you are annoying me about, just let me do this," I started getting tired of Monique screaming at me and telling me when I could do things and couldn't do things.

I turned and saw Monique's face turn red with anger, turned my head back to the sink and felt hands push against my back, pushing me into the sink almost making me smash my head up against the window.

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