meeting the family Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Hannah Perry

Author Note: I love you all my readers I recommend the selection series to you

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Setsuna POV

It has been a couple of hours and I was currenty at Vincent's house I had fallen asleep leaning on Vincent until I heard a loud knocl at the door. Vincent Answered it obviously still believing I was asleep "Hello?" He said and was interrupted by a man "Im here to see my sister. You contacted me and said she was here Vincent. Is she OK?" My Twin Brother Zack asked the man who had just recently saved my life. "Yeah she is just fine." Vincent said "You know how long I wated to see her?" My brother asked. "Couple days?" Vincent asked " 5 Years Vincent 5 I have not seen her since she was 14." My brother said and Vincent looked surprised. "While you were in your Coma or whatever that was she was your replacment at the Turks. She was only a Child Vincent So when I found out you had her I was surprised I thought she was still off assasinating people" My brother said not to kindly "Really?" Vincent asked  "Yes before that she used to sing her voice was so beautiful." My brother said when I piped in "It was not!" I said sharply they both looked at me "Your awake." Vincent said "Yes. Yes I have been." I said to him and my brother came in and tried to hug me before I pushed him off me "What do you want?" I asked him sharply  "I heard you were here." He said back "Vincent you asked if I had siblings I never said I got along with them." I told him and he looked at me. "Sorry that was uncalled for." I told him "you didn't know." I finished and he just nodded and looked at me with sad red eyes " you even remember what happened?" I asked him and he shook his head. "It was so long ago I don't." He said "First you told me I couldn't join SOILDER because That was 'your place' and they don't take female's as they find them utterly usless even though I have kicked both yours and Sephroiths behinds on multiple occasions! Then you tried to pawn it off as if you cared about me and did not want to see me hurt but in reality that was your way of saying I could not handle it!" I yelled at him I was going to give my brother a piece of my mind 

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