part 12

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(y/n) find out that she was pregnant with sasuke baby....... and start to wonder if sasuke really didnt sent a letter to her god father the count jiraiya ..... after sakura speech ...but anyway she was pregnant with the baby of a man she liked and was happy .....

sakura noticed the count's eyes on y/n.  she clenched her teeth. she would not let it go, she would pay, she promised herself. she had to find a ploy to keep (y/n) away from her lover ...  she wanted to regain her favorite position

three weeks passed. the situation remained unchanged.y/n spent all her nights in the count's bed, she got used to that and was quite happy with her fate. he was gentle and kind to her.they never talked about the baby to come as soon as she tried to bring up the subject, he automatically changed it.

the duke of haruno impatient to see his future son-in-law occupied elsewhere.he asked to speak to him. sasuke was reluctant to let this reality in to him right now. he would have liked to forget this marriage story.his commitment was beginning to weigh on him.he sighed while waiting for the duke in a small drawing-room. his fiancée was making a lot of effort to be alone with him. several times he felt obliged to accompany her on a stroll.

he hated that kind of stroll.he opened a window and leaned over to look at the sky. a ray of sun caught his eye. he saw his dear y/n captive with her arms laden with linen, she was going by the river.he saw her turn around and smile at shisui. he had realized that these two were still very close. he didn't understand why but he was happy to know that she had made a friend with him even tho he was jealous.he heard the door open, he turned around.
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the next day,y/n was commissioned to go up to the roof to check that all the tiles were in place. he accompanied her, and showed her the place to check.the girl courageously appeared on the ledge and began to check the tiles one by one.the servant had to leave the girl, he was called by the count and had to go immediately to the small living room.servant : - I come back very quickly, don't go too far ...y/n smiled and promised.the servant ran away,

he found the count in the dining surprise, he shouted to her: "You weren't expecting me in the little salon, sir?sasuke raised an eyebrow: - why will I wait for you?

serf: - I don't know, you called me .. I was on the roof with y/n when I got your message ...shisui ​​got up and ran off. sasuke understood a few seconds after his elder, he followed him and passed him down the hall.

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y/n didn't immediately understand what was going on. she heard the roof door slam violently. she believed that the wind had closed the latter.she saw the silhouette too late behind her. she felt a violent thrust behind her back, she fell.

she wanted to hold back but the too fragile tiles broke under her passage. she saw the edge of the roof approached.she cried, she just had time to see the face of sakura transformed by hatred.she fell vertiginously.

sasuke heard y/n's cry. his heart missed a beat. he exploded the roof door in his path.he saw her 5 meters below, stretched out on her back. a pool of blood covered the concrete slab where it lay. sasuke: - Y/N !!?he jumped up to her.

she was pale, but she was breathing.he repeated these three words several times.he saw juugo appear above him.sasuke : - go get a doctor, he yelled at his friend.the latter disappeared immediately, he returned a few minutes later.a crowd of curious people had formed on the roof,

juugo saw sakura and his father among them.the doctor carefully went down to sasuke. the man helped him.he knelt beside the young girl and looked for her pulse, the latter was very weak.he examined his head and saw no deep wounds on that level.

the loss of blood deeply worried the - is there anything i need to know about this young woman's health?

sasuke: - she is pregnant, she is expecting our child ... what's going on doctor?

sakura put her hand on her heart, she came out of the roof and went to her room. her father followed her closely.the doctor was silent for a few moments. he turned to sasuke looking serious. y/N came to her senses and trying to get up. she let out a cry when she saw all the blood on her.she looked up at sasuke, she was scared. the latter knelt beside her.

doctor: - she has a miscarriage, Count! do you want to save the baby ... or the woman?y/n started to cry. she shook sasuke's hand.y/n : - save my baby, sasuke. I beg you, save my baby

...sasuke straightened up and grabbed the doctor's arm.sasuke: - save her ... please, he added in a whisper.the doctor was surprised to hear such words in the young count's mouth.he settled down towards the girl and asked for help from the servants present.shisui even tho is rank ​​jumped towards his friend.each was ready to do anything to save her.

*****time after******
sasuke quickly went out to settle some business. y/n's state had been stable for a few days. the doctor was fairly confident. sasuke didn't understand why the girl still didn't open her eyes but the doctor explained that it came from taking the potions. she needed rest to heal.  he greeted his steward and listened to him about the minor concerns they had encountered. sasuke was scary to see, an emerging beard covered his cheeks and made him look bad. dark circles underlined his dark eyes.  he needed a real night's sleep. he was broke his....their baby died

.....but at least she was alive.......                                                                                                                                                  

he ended up confess the thruth on the unconscius body of is lover or so he thougt .....

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