Louis's POV written by ImASong:
"We're going to have to go back into town because someone ate all the food." Harry says, pointing towards Niall who sits on the couch with one last piece of bread.
"It's not my fault that I have a big appetite." Niall protests, stuffing the rest in his mouth.
I lift my head out of my hands and walk towards the window of the farm house "Well you're going to have to have to stop being hungry all the time... we have to ration our supplies appropriately." I pull apart the drawn window curtain and look over the land. There's none of the undead in sight... for now. We can't make too much noise, whether it's firing a gun or honking a horn since it will draw more of the zombies.
"I guess Louis and I could go into town and stock up." Liam pipes up, walking over to our wall of weapons that we were able to gather up. He grabbed onto a pitch fork, hesitating at the guns, but knowing the sound would attract hundreds of zombies, he decided against it.
All the boys agreed that Liam and I should go to the store, so I walked over to the wall and grabbed an axe and slung it over my shoulder. After we said bye to everyone, Liam and I walked out the front door, decapating a wandering by our door. We hopped in one of the trucks and I got behind the steering wheel, turning the key in the engine and taking off down the road. One of the good things about being one of the only living humans left on this earth is having acess to gas, cars, and supplies.
We pull behind a blockade of cars and quietly get out, shutting the doors lightly so that they dont slam. Liam and I get down on our stomachs and crawl underneath the cars, looking towards the stores. They coast was clear except for maybe 10 of those rodents walking around. I look over to Liam and we nod, crawling out from under the car and running towards the store.
I hear the moans beside me and I turn quickly, burrowing my axe into the top of one of the zombie's heads. As I try to dislodge it, another one comes up behind me and instinctivly I kick it in it's stomach to make it fall to the ground. I jump on his face, cracking his skull with my boot as my axe shoots through another zombie's neck, seperating his head from his body. Finally Liam and I had cleared the area, so we both run towards the store, climbing in through a broken window.
We take one of the shopping baskets and start to walk through the store. I pick up a loaf of bread, find a box of macaroni, 2 bags of chips, some chocolate bars, marshmellows, old potatoes, and 3 cans of soup. The great thing of having the world to ourselves is that we can help ourselves to everything. I walk through the frozen area, but most of the stuff is rotten by now. I walk carefully over several bodies that lay mutilated on the floor. My heart turns as I see a small child, not even 10, laying dead on the floor.
It wasn't always like this. I can still remember the days leading up to this. We were on our US tour and somewhere in California. We heard of an illness going around, where people started turning "zombie-like" and actually spread the disease by scratching or biting someone. If you were scratched you would get a fever that would burn you up. It could take an hour to a week of this, and then, you would turn. If you were bitten you most likely will suffer from blood loss, loose conciousness, your heart will stop beating, and within minutes you will turn. There were some that were disected and the scientists found that only a small part of their brain was working... thus that was the only way you could kill something like that.
We weren't worried about the disease... we were focused on our concert. We thought it was all a hoax until our concert at Cricket Wireless Theater in San Diego. We were performing Up All Night when suddenly there was a scream that broke out through the crowd. Apparently a young girl came to the concert even though she had a fever. While she was there she passed out, only minutes later, waking up in her zombiefied form, reaching up and biting her mother's stomach open. She went on a rampage, biting, scratching, and killing some people right then and there. The one's that she killed woke up in minutes, getting up and spreading on the virus. Our bodyguards tried to hold them back, while we tried to save some of the fans. Paul shook his head and quickly ushered us off the stage despite our struggles to go help the other fans.