f i f t e e n

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As much as Alexandra hoped her life would immediately become normal once again, she was met with many challenges. She couldn't eat much despite the plates of wonderful home cooked food offered to her, and she couldn't sleep despite the very comfortable bed she's been given. She flinched at any noise she thought was loud, and refused to look at herself in the mirror in fear of what she would see. She was physically improving, but not so much mentally. Harry, Ron and Hermione were doing everything they could to help her, but they would never understand what she went through in that house, and that is something they had to accept.

"I think she's finally asleep," Hermione whispered, joining her classmates downstairs.

"How bad was she hurt?" Harry asked Luna, knowing it was inappropriate to ask, but letting his curiosity get the best of him.

"He tortured her almost every day. When he wasn't there, Bellatrix Lestrange would take his place. It was quite horrible, hearing her scream so much," Luna explained. "Sometimes he would put his hand around her neck while he tortured her until she couldn't breathe. He was careful to keep her alive at first, but he was becoming more reckless. She's lucky you got there when you did."

The three friends looked at each other, all feeling equally guilty that they waited so long. They let their fear cloud their judgement, and their friend suffered greatly for it.

"You're bloody lucky Malfoy didn't rat you out, Harry. If Hermione hadn't jinxed you-"

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by a loud banging on the door. Everyone's heads turned, Bill immediately pulling out his wand.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Remus!" A familiar voice rang. Harry relaxed for a moment, but the relaxation turned into fear when he thought something must have happened for Remus to appear so suddenly, especially when Remus declared his visit to be that of an emergency.

"Lupin," Bill said quietly, running to the door to let him in. His face held a smile as he entered the room, looking around to see who was there before beginning to cheer.

"It's a boy!"

Everybody jumped to their feet in celebration, realizing he meant Tonks had finally given birth to his son. "We've named him Ted, after her father."

"Congratulations!" Hermione squealed.

"The baby's been born?" Alexandra asked, retreating down the stairs to join them. She had fallen asleep, but the banging on the door had woken her up.

"Yes, yes, a boy," Lupin smiled, taking in the appearance of the girl. He decided not to ask questions at the moment, and instead let her celebrate with everyone. For one moment, she would feel like she belonged once again.

"Congratulations," she smiled. He nodded to her. For the next hour or so, everybody except Alexandra began to drink wine in celebration.

"Maybe a glass will help you finally get some sleep," Hermione offered, handing her friend a small glass. "Remember the last time we drank together? You went and snogged Malfoy."

"Only after you and Ginny fell asleep on me," Alexandra smiled. Both girls laughed, only vaguely remembering the night of Alexandra's seventeenth birthday. Hermione reached into her sock, pulling out the bag Alexandra was always so amused by. She pulled out three necklaces: the one holding a green emerald, the one holding an anchor charm, and the one now holding the key Dumbledore left her. Hermione carefully clasped all three around her friend's neck, watching as she smiled.

"You're sending me off with Lupin, then?" Alexandra asked, wondering why Hermione had returned her things now. Hermione nodded.

"I've got your wand, as well," Hermione explained, holding it out.

"You can keep it. You'll need it more than I will," Alexandra smiled. "Besides, I've got one. It was given to me, and I'd rather not let it go."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked. Alexandra nodded. "I'll try my best not to break it."

"I appreciate that," Alexandra laughed.

"We better get going, darling. Everyone's very eager to see you down at Muriel's," Lupin smiled, helping Alexandra off of the couch. Knowing she would be in the company of her family, she felt much more comfortable leaving the cottage than she previously did. Besides, she was rather excited to see Ginny and the twins. If anyone could cheer her up, it's them.

"Be careful," Hermione begged, jumping up off of the couch and pulling the girl into a tight hug.

"Tell my family I love them, will you?" Ron asked, joining them. Alexandra nodded.

"Brush up on your occlumency," Harry ordered. "Don't let him in."

"Don't get yourselves killed," Alexandra begged, holding onto each of them.

"We can't make any promises," Ron joked, causing Hermione to hit him. "Sorry. Bad timing."

"We'll see you soon. Try and get some rest. You never know when something might happen, and you need to be at your best."

"Good job scaring her, Hermione," Ron argued.

"Off we go, then," Lupin encouraged, noticing the conversation escalating.

"Thank you for everything. All of you," Alexandra smiled, waving to everyone before leaving the cottage.

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