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"It's not too late to change your mind," Fred smiled, linking his arm with Alexandra's as they watched Harry and Ginny make their way down the aisle followed by Hermione and Ron. Alexandra smiled. "Are you ready?"

"Always," she stated nervously, taking a deep breath and walking out with Fred. Her heart stopped when the room fell silent other than the music playing. She locked eyes with Draco and let out the breath she was holding. The journey to the altar was almost agonizing as it seemed to last hours before her and Draco met.

"Take care of her," Fred told Draco sternly, hesitating before unlinking his arm from Alexandra's and making his way to his spot next to George.

"Bittersweet, isn't it?" George asked, patting his brother's back. Fred didn't say anything, focusing on Draco.

Draco's eyes filled with love and admiration, and nobody has ever seen a more genuine smile on his face.

"Is he crying?" Harry whispered to Ron.

"He better be," Ron stated, also focusing his attention on Draco. His focus shifted, however, when he noticed another person standing at the entrance. "I thought they weren't invited."

"It looks like it's only his mother," Harry whispered, noticing her take a seat towards the back of the crowd.

"Would you two shut it?" Ginny asked, elbowing Harry.

"Draco Malfoy, do you take Alexandra River to be your wife? Do you promise to love, encourage and adore her? Share the good times and achievements as well as the hard times and disappointments? Keep her in sickness and in sorrow and to be loyal to her forevermore?"

"I do," Draco smiled.

"Alexandra River, do you take Draco Malfoy to be your husband? Do you promise to love, encourage and adore him? Share the good times and achievements as well as the hard times and disappointments? Keep him in sickness and in sorrow and be loyal to him forevermore?"

"I do," Alexandra smiled.

"Please declare your vows to each other."

"Alexandra," Draco started, clearing his throat. "You always see the good in people, and for that reason you gave me a second chance. Your undying love and compassion has made me a better man, and I will continue to strive to be the man you've always believed I could be. I will always protect you from harm, and stand with you against your troubles. I will honor and cherish you for all that you are and all you will become. Alexandra River, I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life."

Draco took the ring that Harry had previously handed him and gently placed it on Alexandra's finger.

"Draco," Alexandra started, barely holding herself together. "Standing here with you, and with the support of everyone I love, is everything I have ever desired. With you, I laugh, I smile, and I dare to dream again. You make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. I will forever fight for you. I will forever fight for us, because I know we can overcome every battle we may face. Draco Malfoy, I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life."

Alexandra took the ring Ginny had previously handed her, and gently placed it on Draco's finger.

"It is now my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, may you seal your vows with a kiss."

Eagerly, Draco and Alexandra kissed each other for the first time as a married couple. Hermione and Ginny clapped loudly compared to Ron and Harry as the two girls joyfully sobbed for their friend. Even Fred couldn't hide his smile. The newlyweds pulled apart, hugging each other tightly and celebrating the moment together.

"Is that your mother?" Alexandra asked, noticing Narcissa standing alone from over Draco's shoulder. Draco pulled away, saying he would return shortly before approaching his mother. Alexandra attempted to watch the interaction, but was interrupted by Ginny.

"You're married!" She yelled, hugging her friend. "Soon I'll be married, and then the three of us will have children who will attend Hogwarts together and be the very best of friends! This is so exciting!"

"Calm down, Ginny," Alexandra laughed.

"Are you not excited?"

"Of course I'm excited! I just don't think I'm quite ready for children yet, nor is Hermione. When I am, I'll be sure you're the first to know," Alexandra assured, looking over Ginny's shoulder to see Draco still talking to his mother. She excused herself, and made her way towards the pair. "It's good to see you, Narcissa."

"You as well, dear. Congratulations," Narcissa smiled lightly. "I apologize for coming without warning-"

"It's not a problem, really," Alexandra smiled, noticing Draco looked relieved to see his mother. "You're welcome to stay."

"Oh, no, I cannot stay. I just couldn't bear missing my only son marry the love of his life," she smiled, placing her hand on Draco's shoulder. "I wish you two the very best."

Without saying anything else, Narcissa apparated out of the house. Draco signed.

"Are you alright?" Alexandra asked.

"Of course," he smiled, turning towards his wife and resting his hands on her waist. "Nothing can ruin this day, darling."

"You look very handsome," Alexandra smiled back, just now taking in his entire appearance. "I've always loved how you look in a suit."

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world," Draco told her, kissing her lightly. "And now you're my wife."

"I love you endlessly, Draco Malfoy," Alexandra stated, kissing him again.

"I love you, too, Alexandra Malfoy."

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