Chapter 1

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"Look at that cloud" Jenny said to me while pointing up at the sky.

"Haha it looks like a little bunny" I smiled and laughed, we were at the local park laying down watching the clouds and just letting time fly by us. Jenny has been my best friend since Kindergarten, she is more like a sister to me.

"So have you heard about Emmett?"

Jenny turned to look at me while smiling.

Emmett has been my crush since 7th grade, im in 10th grade currently, I know what you're thinking "why crush on someone that long and not make a move?"

Well it's not that simple, hes popular and he probably doesn't even know I exist.

"Oh my god, what did he do now?"

I said curiously.

"He got caught in the locker room with Carly Watson during 6th period Friday"

"That doesn't suprise me, she would do anyone, anywhere"

I said annoyed.

"Cami, your crush fucked the person who bullies you, that doesn't effect your love for him?"

"Uh, is it stupid to say no it doesn't"

I said while studdering a little bit.

I get up and stretch, my legs are killing me.

"Well you may not see him for a long time he got OSS and so did she, now you won't have her to bother you"

Jenny said while half smiling

"Yeah but I got the rest of her friends to worry about"

I said and looked down.

"Hey Cami I gotta get home for supper, see you in school tomorrow"

She said while getting up and hugging me. I hugged her back and watched her walk off. God I wish I had a car to drive home.

I never really told you my story, my name is Camilla Jones, Cami or Cam for short. Im 16 years old, im in 10th grade, I have an older brother named Sebastian hes 18, and I got twin little sisters Lana and Lauren they are 13. My parents well they don't really care about me, so they say. I get bullied everyday of my life, this one time I was just in the hallway and this girl Emily came up to me and smashed my head on a locker and when I was on the ground she spit on me and called me a worthless piece of shit. I didn't go to school for two whole weeks, I was scared, but my parents forced me to go back. My friend Jenny tries to stick up for me but they bully her too, I just get it ten times worse. There's one thing no one knows about me, not even Jenny..

I self-harm, The cuts are on my thighs, hips, and arms. I always wear skinny jeans and sweaters, all year around. People call me freak of nature because thats all I wear even in the summer when its humid

outside. I rather be called names than to let anyone see my scars.

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