Chapter 4

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I didn't want to wake up, honestly I wish I died in my sleep. I pretty much rolled off my bed this morning, I got dressed and did my usual morning routine. As soon as I walked out my door this group of kids threw eggs at me. I was so pissed, like are you fucking for real, eggs. My brother stormed out of the house got a rock and threw it at the group of kids, I never seen people run that fast in my life.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah im fine, I guess"

"I'm gonna kill those kids"

"Sebastian why do you care?"

"You're my baby sister no one throws eggs at you, unless its me" he said while playfully punching my shoulder.

"Go get new clothes on, i'll drive you to school"

I thought I would never see the day my brother actually stood up for me, he never did that in my entire life, usually he would walk by the door and laugh but not this time.

I ran upstairs quickly changed my outfit and got into my brothers car. I never been in his car before but it was nasty. I looked back into the backseat and there were a pair of a girls thongs on his seat.

"Ew why do you have thongs on your seat" I said disgusted

"Hahah those are Skylar's I guess she forgot them" he smiled

"Thats nasty" I pretended to gag.

We arrived at the school and as soon as I got out of the car I ran to Jenny,  I told her what happened.

"I cant believe those little basterds did that"

"Well believe it cause its true, Sebastian stood up for me which was the creepy part"

"Omg he never sticks up for you, maybe hes changed" she smiled

"Haha yeah right"

The bell rang and we went to first period, great gym class. I went to the locker room and went straight to my locker and as soon as I opened my locker someone slammed it shut

"You know no one cares about you right"

Oh great Johanna,  shes been bullying me ever since the beginning of 8th grade, I dont know why I never did anything to her.

"Are you fucking deaf, I said no one cares about you" she said louder

I just looked at her and kept ignoring her.

Next thing i knew I was being pushed, she pushed me up against the wall really hard, it hurt my head.

"You're a worthless piece of shit, I wish yesterday a gun was in your locker instead of paint".

Then she let go of me, I fell to the ground, is it wrong to actually agree with her, I wish there was a gun in my locker instead of paint. Maybe she is right no one cares about me. Whats the point in living, I did nothing to no one, but I get treated like shit all the time.

I dont even wanna participate in class today, so I just sat in the locker room,  just waiting for the bell to ring so I can get to the next class and hopefully I wont get more torture than this.

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