The black book thief

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I didn't have anywhere to go, but I didn't tell the boys because than they would find out something was off about me. And holy fried shrimp! I abandon Raingi! I quickly ran out of music room three. Oh man, this was one thing I promised Rai-chan. I told her that after mom and dad died, i would never leave her. Hey, I wonder if she got sucked in with me?

"Koy-Chan, where are you going?" Honey was right in front of me, on top of Mori shoulders. I skidded to a stop, fixed my glasses and gave a small smile.

"I have to go get my little sister. Her name is Raingi she's only in junior high, third year.."

"Does she look like you, and has a strange looking uniform on?" I nodded. How did they know? Mori stepped to the side, and revealed my little sister, who was in tears. I scooped her up in my arms.

"Oh Rai-Chan! Are you alright?" I whispered the last part. My sisters small arms wrapped around me. I stroked her blue hair. Wait, her blue wig turned into actual blue hair. No freaking way.

"Takashi and I found her wandering around the school campus. She said she was lost, and that she was looking for her Sama." Honey said. I looked up at him.

"Well here I am. Thanks sweetie, thanks Mori." Mori nodded while Honey giggled. They started to turn in leave when my sister blurted out something that caught their attention.

"Koyuki, where are we going to stay?" I cringed while Mori froze mid step. Honey leaped off Mori shoulders, and clung onto me crying.

"Please tell me you have somewhere to say Koy-Chan!" He cried. I was going to smack Raingi later. I patted Honey's small head. I've always been use to soothing little children, specially my sister. Raingi looked down at her feet, while I let out a heavy sigh.

"We actually don't have a place to stay. For uh right now. Our current home.. isn't ready."I had to control the tears that wanted to enter my eyes. I shouldn't cry in front of them. I wasn't able to take care of my sister! What if in this place, they take her from me? What if something awful happens? How will I feed us, or at least her? This can't be happening! Why did i have to open this stupid manga. I had fun messing with it at first, but now, I want to go home already. My feet were lifted off the ground, and Raingi, Honey and I found ourselves in a big hug from Mori-senpai.

Mori finally set us on our feet, and ruffled my hair, giving me a big smile. I gave him a small smile back. Raingi and Honey were giggling. I figured those to would get along well. 

"Stay with Honey and I." Mori finally spoke. Oh my gosh! Mori said something! I'm pretty sure my shock was showing, because Honey was laughing more at me, while Mori was looking away. 

"Thanks Mori-Senpai. Just  for the night, ok-" Someone clearing their throat interrupted my sentence. Okay, i am going to beat who ever interrupted me. That was just plain rude. I turned, ready to curse the person out, when I saw everyone from the host club standing there. I fixed my glasses, and pushed my sister behind me.

"Well who is this little princess you're hiding from us Koyuki?" Tamaki stepped forward. I hid my sister even more.

"None of your business Tamaki. Now I suggest you back off before you get on my bad side." I growled. Tamaki went over against the wall, and started tracing circles on the floor. He is such a baby. Kyoya fixed his glasses. He opened his black book up.

"That would be Raingi Takashi. Third year junior high student. Little sister of Koyuki Takashi." When he was done, I went over, snatched his black book, and shoved it down my shirt than crossed my arms. Hikaru and Kaoru fell to the ground laughing. Tamaki's jaw dropped while Kyoya crossed his arms as well.

Sucked Into The Manga (Book one) Ouran HighSchool Host ClubWhere stories live. Discover now