Chpater 1 - Bitter Win

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A.N~ This is my first fanfic so I hope it's good! Please feel free to ask questions or your feelings on it! (Please go easy on me!) Enjoy~

1,476 words~

Bakugo's POV:

    The angry blonde stormed through the halls. The sound of explosions echoing down the stone corridors. The smell of sulfur clinging to every servant's nostrils. It was strange. The prince should've been happy. Overjoyed.
    The Bakugo and Todoroki empires' had been at war for centuries. Each fighting for more power and land. And after two-decade-long strife, the Bakugo army was finally victorious. Taking over a new 25% of land.
    Except Katsuki couldn't smile. He had. For the first two seconds. But it had soon turned back into his deep scowl his face was usually contorted into. It almost seemed like it would be stuck on his face forever.
    Why? That's simple. The alpha didn't have a mate. He never showed it, but he wished to be loved. For someone to see through the mask and see the real him. The one his mother loved, but different.
    Even more so, he wanted to love. To care and pamper someone. To give them all their hearts desired with his riches. He didn't care who. It could've been another alpha for all he cared. Just somebody to love. His one and true mate. Of course, no one would do. Every year he looked. Every year his parents searched only to come up empty-handed. Every time they were too scared or impatient with him. Saying he was too arrogant and foolish to be loved.
    But he stayed determined. If he had to win all of the Tododroki's land single-handedly to find them, so be it. They were out there. He felt it deep within his bones. He also felt that it wasn't going to be a piece of cake.
    The thoughts made him growl even louder. If his mate was here they could calm him down. Not that he knew how they would achieve such an impossible task. They just would.
    "Are you alright, Bakubro?" A chipper voice rang through the halls. It was a small comfort. The prince turned and saw the wild, cherry red hair of his best friend. Well, technically he was his royal bodyguard, not that he needed one. He thought of Shitty Hair as more of an on-hand counselor.  
    "What do you think, Shitty Hair?" Katsuki snipped. Finally finding a resting place, he leaned against the castle wall with one leg propped against it. He closed his eyes as he tilted his head back. The royal would never admit that he enjoyed the betas company.
    When they were first introduced, he got hope that he might've been the one. But he had doubted since it didn't feel right. Certain puzzle pieces weren't clicking and he turned out to be right. Kiri had a mate that was one of the Liberians, Denki.
    Sparky, as Katsukis called him, was truly bad at his job. Always too energetic and loud for the atmosphere. Always wanting to be lazy or go fuck around with his mate and friends. The thoughts buzzed in is mind. They were all good memories but they didn't necessarily make him feel better.
    "You've been so enthusiastic about this man!" Shitty Hair whined. His hands flew to his sides with open palms dramatically. "Just enjoy this for once! It's not every day we get to win," Kiri wore his best puppy eyes.
    Katsuki grumbled in response. "Don't you have things to do?" The constant nagging was giving him a headache. Everyone that dare approach him only asked what was wrong. Every damn time. But what else were they supposed to ask? Nothing. Nothing was the answer.

    "Nah. Well, I do but...Nah," The blonde rolled his eyes. Kirishima never did what he was supposed to. At least did it right. He always messed up his jobs. An honest effort was put in, but not in the right places.
    The prince sighed at the pathetic nature of his friend. He loved him. "You're useless sometimes, you know that?" He smirked at his frozen friend. Kirishima's mouth opened and closed in a dramatic, false offense.
    "I am not!" Kiri whined. The prince just shook his head and chuckled. His jewelry jingling with his movements. The bodyguard just simply poured as he walked off to attempt at finishing his chores.

Izuku's POV:

    This couldn't be happening. The young boy ran as fast as his puny legs, tears streaming down his cheeks out of pure terror. Not true, not true, NOT TRUE! He mentally shouted. Distress pheromones that usually smelled of dewy pine, reeked of fear and denial.
    The omega had feared the Bakugo kingdom since the day he was born. His mother wasn't a fan either but didn't share the same dread her son did. But how could her son not feel a shiver go up his spine when the name was spoken?
    His friends, a kind magic user and a knight worked in the castle. Rumors of the hotheaded prince spread like wildfire from the moment he could speak. Which was said to be the very same day of birth.
    Or how his explosive powers were the strongest so far out of the family. Mighty explosions that could tear down any barrier it faced. The heat alone able to render any opponent defenseless. At night Izuku almost thought he could feel the earth below him tremor from the prince's attacks.
    Everyone knew the powers in that family grew more and more down the line, but the new heir was simply...insane. His father before him was kind and gentle but still led his kingdom with an iron fist.
    An iron fist that won over part of the Todoroki's land, Izuku thought bitterly. The Todoroki's son was a very different story. He was quiet and a gentleman. Holding the doors open for servants when no one else was looking. That's what was rumored anyhow.
    But the power was the same story. His vitality was nothing short of extraordinary. Able to summon a monstrous blizzard or a fiery storm at a wave of his fingertips. The contrast could make a person go insane if they stayed long enough. Except for the royal himself. He was the only one who could withstand the intense conditions.
    At long last, he made it to his clay cottage. Smoke pouring from the chimney was a sign of a good dinner being prepared. This time however he wouldn't eat in peace. The door almost broke if its hinges as he threw his body into the oak door.
    Inko turned around with wide eyes from the noise, splashing oil on her light pink apron. "Oh! Izuku what's wrong?" She asked as her eyebrows knit together. He hunched over as he painted out of breath, hands on his knees for support.
    "You haven't heard?!" He chocked out, tears falling onto his emerald vest. Inko swiftly ran to her son and pulled into a tight embrace. The smaller omega could only produce ugly sobs into the oldest shoulder.
    "Shh," she whispered while petting his curly locks. "Breath, hanii, breath," she coaxed him and his racing heartbeat. With time she managed to calm his down and save the dinner she had been preparing. Izuku gathered his thoughts and went to set the table.    
    "The Bakugo kingdom has won," he said plainly. A fork clattered to the ground as his mother stood frozen still from shock. She tried to form words but none registered through. Instead, stutters and cracks of her failing voice came out.
    Izuku took a deep breath, steadying his shaking hands and threatening tears. "They got 25%..." he paused," our 25%," the room went silent. You could hear a pin drop from a mile away in the quiet.
    He didn't want to believe it. Inko wasn't even sure how she felt. She was most worried about her son. If she could she would keep him inside their cottage till the end of time. Of course, she couldn't do that, for he would need to find a mate and he was born with a sense of adventure.
    Izuku couldn't believe it. The thought of that...that monster ruling over his mothers and his land was too much to bear. He'd never seen the prince I person, but he could only imagine. Razor-sharp teeth, a long forked tongue, a creepy looming figure. He forced the image out of his head. It was too much handle.
    Inko hummed softly as she noticed her son's distress. "Now now hunii, relax. We'll be just fine," he sat down with a deep pout on his plump, rosy lips. "How about some katsudon to make you feel better?!"
    His eyes lit up and the fear was shoved into the back of his mind. Now all he was going to focus on was the delicious meal in front of him.

To the two of the young boys, it truly was a              bitter win.

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