Chapter 4

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warning: death

"Well, I lived a somewhat normal life until I was 12," Percy starts off. "If you consider being kicked out of every school you've ever attended normal". 

"Wait, you WHAT?" almost all of the Avengers (except for Clint and Natasha) exclaim. 

"Um yeah, I kind of stopped going to a conventional school after 6th grade," Percy explains to the shocked faces of the adults around him.

"waitwaitwait, conventional school?" Tony asks while glancing around nervously.

"Yeah, after Yancy I mostly learned from life and camp," Percy explains, who is clearly losing his patience with adults, but what's new.

"You keep talking about this camp, what exactly did you learn there?" Steve asks because he's a responsible adult who cares for children.

"How to survive," Percy says with a completely straight face.

"I think that's enough questions," Clint interjects because he is also a responsible adult.

"Yeah, I should head home. I'll try and ask around to see who we're facing," Percy agrees before standing up and brushing off his jeans. Surprisingly no one contradicts this as Percy leaves the tower, waving to the woman behind the desk before walking to his important.

Two Weeks Later

In the weeks that passed since Percy's meeting with the avengers he had done some asking around in the mythological world. He had realized that all the occurrences with this new foe, all of the victims had died with looks of fear on their faces. After talking with Annabeth he had deduced that the, well, deity they were facing was the god of doom Moros. Honestly, could he ever get a break? Apparently not. Well, anyway, Percy was looking through some notes Annabeth had lent him on Moros when another iris message blipped  into existence right in front of him. Filled with Clint and Natasha's faces.

"Hey Percy! Got anything on this big spooky we're going to be facing?" Clint asks because he is a responsible adult as well as an actual child.

"Yeah, we're facing a big nasty by the name of Moros, god of doom," Percy states, looking up from his notes.

"That doesn't sound good at all," Natasha says while keeping a hand over Clint's mouth to keep him from saying anything else stupid.

"Nope, not good at all. I'm going to the council tomorrow to get permission to tell the Avengers and then I'll swing by the tower," Percy says before slashing through the connection and putting his notes away. 

Hey! it's been a while, but here's chapter 4! I've been consuming anything IT/ Stranger Things related so I'm thinking of writing a crossover fic, so let me know if you guys are interested let me know! - Risht

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