Chapter 8

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Percy opened the door to the bathroom, slipping inside. He turned the water on hot, letting it steam a little bit before setting up the prism he kept in his pocket.

"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Annabeth Chase at Camp Half Blood." He said, flipping a drachma into the rainbow. Suddenly Annabeth's face blipped  into existence in front of him.

"Percy? Why did you call?" Annabeth asked, looking up from what she was looking at.

"I need your help with Moros. Can you get Will and Nico and meet me at Avengers tower in the city?" Percy asked quickly.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there in about a half hour, we'll take Ms. O'Leary." Annabeth said with a nod, slashing her hand through the message. Sighing, Percy left the room, noticing Tony still standing outside.

"You done kid?" Tony asked curtly.

"Yeah, were you eavesdropping?" Percy responded, tacking on a question of his own.

"Maybe, Who're Will, Nico, and Ms. O'Leary? And why are they coming to my tower?" Tony asked sheepishly.

"Will and Nico are going to help us, you'll see who Ms. O'Leary is in half an hour." Percy explained, walking back to the main room.

"Wow, way to be specific kid." Tony said hurrying to catch up to Percy as they entered the main room.

"Hey Perce, who did ya call?" Clint asked, looking up from his hands.

"Annabeth. She, Nico, and Will are gonna get here in about half an hour." Percy says with a small grin. This statement leads Clint to smile as well and Nat to grin.

"Hell yeah! My favorite sibling!" Clint exclaims, causing the rest of the team to look confused.

"I thought you were an only child?" Steve asks.

"Well, technically yes, but Will is my half brother, another son of Apollo." Clint explains, still smiling.

"Oh." Steve says in realization, remembering the whole 'children of the gods' thing. Half an hour passed when a huge, black dog with three people on it's back suddenly appeared in the main room causing the non-godly Avengers to scream like babies.

"Ms. O'Leary! Guys!" Percy exclaimed in happiness, leaping up from where he had been sitting, engulfing the hellhound in a huge hug.

"Will! Nico! Annabeth!" Clint exclaimed, leaping up as well and engulfing his half brother in a huge bear hug.

"Um. Is anyone going to explain why there's a giant dog in my tower?" Tony asked, staring at Ms. O'Leary.

"Oh! That's just Ms. O'Leary, she's going to go now." Percy explained, waving Ms. O'Leary off as soon as Annabeth and Nico had dismounted. Realizing her job was done, the hellhound barked once and jumped into the shadows, back to camp.

"Okay... And who is Ms. O'Leary, exactly?" Tony asked, still confused.

"Well, she's a hellhound. From my father's realm, except domesticated by our old swordsmanship teacher." Nico said, stepping forward and twisting the ring on his finger.

"Hellhound? Is that one of those monster thingies you were talking about earlier?" Peter asked excitedly.

 "Yeah, except most hellhounds are vicious and won't hesitate to kill you, Ms. O' Leary is, different to say the least." Will explains, extricating himself from Clint's grasp. 

"Yeah, and you are?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"Demigods, My name is Annabeth, daughter of Athena." Annabeth stated, sticking out her hand for a handshake, Tony shaking before letting his hand drop.

"I'm Will Solace, Son of Apollo, and the sourpuss over there is my boyfriend. Nico, son of Hades." Will said, gesturing to the smallest of the three demigods. "I'm also our resident healer, unless someone objects. But, I am the only person here that can heal demigod wounds well." He tacks on, noticing the look on Bruce's face. 

"I could have introduced myself dimwit, but yeah, son of Hades blah blah blah." Nico jutted in, walking over and hitting Will's shoulder. "Heya Perce, you gonna get into contact with Thalia?" He continued.

"I was planning on it. Annabeth, can you get in contact with Magnus and the folks in Boston?" Percy asks enthusiastically, remembering how fun it was to hang out with the Norse demigods.

"Yeah, I'll call Magnus, he'll be happy to do something other than hotel activities for once." Annabeth responded before walking into a side hallway and calling her cousin.

Weet woot a new chapter! Magnus and the others from Boston will be coming into the picture next chapter. Sorry this took so long, my teachers decided it would be fun to give us a metric ton of work. Updates will still be pretty sporadic because I have literally no idea what my work load will be from week to week. Stay safe! - Risht

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