Gone Forever

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"Don't know what's going on
Don't know what went wrong
Feels like a hundred years
I still can't believe you're gone
So I'll stay up all night
With these bloodshot eyes
While these walls surround me with the story of our life."

~Three Days Grace

Thornstar stood over her mate, Acornshadow, tears streaming down her face. The tom was twitching. He was alive, but not for long. Beside her walked up three young warriors; Icefrost, Dewfeather, and Streamtrail. Icefrost was a young silver and white she-cat with blue eyes, much like her mother, Thornstar. Dewfeather was a blue, fawn, and white calico tom with amber eyes, a lighter version of his papa. Streamtail was an oak-brown tom with green eyes.

They all stared down at their father. He was coughing up blood, missing the whole left side of his head, and had a few chunks missing from his body in different places. Amourclan had just finished a battle with a group of rouge lynxes from the mountain, and had suffered many casualties that came with the victory they just had. One of them was about to be the mate of their beloved leader.

Acornshadow had been getting older, Thornstar hadn't lost but one life since she'd become leader, so she still had a long time to go. Her mate, he was about to retire to the elder's den. He showed signs of joint pain and severe lung problems. His sight had been starting to go too.

Acornshadow managed a pained smile. "Don't cry, my loves, I'm going to be with our ancestors in Starclan. I will feel no more pain, there will be no more war, there will be harmony everywhere. I do wish to leave you with a few words. My kits, you have made fine warriors. My daughter, you're as beautiful as your mother. You will make some young tom a loving mate. My sons, you are as handsome a your old man. You'll be lady killers before you know it." The old, dying tom wheezed out a laugh.

Dewfeather smiled through his tears, "That's our papa, a jokester until the end." Icefrost burst into hysterical sobs. "Oh papa! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left you alone to handle both of those lynxes on your own! Mama needed my help!" Thornstar brushed against her daughter, hoping to comfort her. Her brothers gave her a couple of comforting licks before Streamtrail turned to his father again. "Papa, I love you. We all do. We're so sorry you didn't get to meet your grandkits. But I'm glad we got as much time with you as we have."

Acornshadow whispered. "I love all of you. Thornstar, my love, you have made the many, many moons since we became mated the best moons of my life. You've given me so much love, you've given me endless happiness, you've given me a sense of adventure, and you've given me three beautiful kits. I wish I could repay you. You're a saint, my love, and I will be waiting for you to join me in Starclan. But please, do not rush the process. Live the rest of your life to its fullest." With his last words spoken, Acornshadow closed his only remaining eye, took a deep breath, and settled still.

Thornstar sniffed, wiping her tears with a paw. "I love you too, Casanova. I'm so sorry you had to go out this way. But we will make sure that you are never forgotten," She raised her voice, so all of her clan that were gathered around their passed on loved ones could hear, "We will make sure that none of those who were lost today are ever forgotten. We will pass on their legacy through our kits! Through our grandkits! So our lost loved ones are never, ever forgotten."

With that, the three kits of his picked up Acornshadow's body and carried him off to the burial grounds for the burial ceremony. Thornstar followed after them. The other members of Amourclan followed their example, picking up their dead loved ones and followed their leader to the burial grounds.

"And now you're gone forever."

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