Jungkook woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. He sat up, rubbing his eyes in attempt to wake them before stretching his limbs. He shifts his weight over, dangling his legs off of the bed before finally standing up. He heads over to his window, throwing the curtains open along with the window.

He feels the warm sunlight hit is skin, brightening it up in the process as he takes a deep breath, enjoying the slight breeze finding its way through his window. The sun blooms on the horizon, golden petals stretching ever outwards into the rich blue. It is the brilliant flower of the sky that warms our days. It is the invitation to a new day, that sunrise so extraordinary.

"Another day of capturing the gorgeous beauty of the Earth." Jungkook sighs, "the beauty that apparently no one else seems to see."

He looks over at his desk by his bed, already tidied up and organized, his bag with his camera and a few other needs sitting on top.

Before doing anything else, he quickly takes out his camera, snapping a few photos of the beautiful sunrise in front of him before putting it away again.

Jungkook finally looks over at his digital clock lying on his nightstand.

7:02 am

"Shit! I'm gonna be late-"

He quickly runs over to his draws, pulling out a pair of light blue, ripped jeans and a white t-shirt before sprinting over to the bathroom.

After a quick shower, he gathers up all his stuff, fixies up his hair (making sure it's parted just perfectly in the middle), and slips on his shoes.

Making sure Jungkook's phone is safely stuffed in his back pocket, he rushes out the door of his apartment to the nearest bus stop.

He glances at his watch again.

7:14 am

"Fuck, fuck, fuck- Can the stupid bus get here faster?!"

After what seemed like forever, the bus stopped in front of him. He quickly hopped inside once the doors had opened. He sighs in relief, noticing there's exactly one seat left open from him, since the bus was practically full. After running like a mile to the bus stop, he needed to sit down. Especially since he skipped breakfast and had no water.

He headed over to the seat, ready to sit down until he noticed an old man walking onto the bus too. He sighed, before calling out to him.

"Excuse me, sir! There's an empty seat right here." He gestured to the seat before helping him sit down.

"Thank you so much young man, I thought my limbs would give out if I stood any longer. You know how us old folk are."

The old man chuckles, smiling at the younger. Jungkook smiles back, he definitely didn't regret giving up his seat, even though his legs were killing him. That smile was worth it. Now that's true beauty.

It's been about five minutes, and the bus is already full. People continued to shove one another, and Jungkook began to wonder if it was on purpose. He was clutching tightly onto the hand rail hanging down from the top of the bus.

Suddenly, someone "accidentally" shoved him so hard, he fell to the ground, his phone falling out of his pocket and cracking.

The brunette's heart dropped. He couldn't afford to fix his phone. He just hoped it was just a cracked screen.

"Just my luck.."

He picked up his phone, sighing in relief that despite the cracks, it wasn't fully broken. It still turned on and worked like it used to.

Jungkook had finally noticed the few notifications from Instagram. Just the usual, a few likes, comments on his posts, and new followers.

But now, he noticed a new type of notification that sent a smile to the brunette's face.

Jimin 💞
Have fun at work today!
I might be too busy to
text since I've been
sent to another company
for a new collab project.
Text ya later, cutie 😘

Jungkook felt his heart warm up, it felt nice to have someone to talk to once in a while. Sure, he had his fans. But it still wasn't the same. He wanted someone who didn't just like his work, but who liked him too.

After some time, finally reached his stop, subtly shoving people out of the way since he wasn't in the mood to deal with them.

He quickly got off the bus and hurried over to his company, glancing at his watch again.

7:35 am

"Great.. I'm gonna hear it today."

He hurried through the automatic doors, bowing to any of the higher-ups he saw on his way to the elevator. He reached the 5th floor, hurrying over to his manger.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I was-"

His manger looked at him. "Jungkook! Finally, glad you're here. I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

"I know sir, it won't happen ag- Wait, what?"

His manager just chuckled at the boy's confused expression.

"Please don't tell me I'm getting fired! I love this job! I'll try harder, I swea-"

"Jungkook," at this point, the staff that stood next to the manager laughed at the cute reaction too.


"You're not getting fired."

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, as he felt his cheeks burn up in embarrassment. "I'm sorry si-"

His manager just chuckled again, "Stop apologizing. It's ok, it happens sometimes. Now, are you ready to hear what I was going to tell you?"

Jungkook nodded, excited to here the news. He had noticed how all the staff around him were extra enthusiastic today. Maybe this time, it was going to be good news.

"Now, I know you're not used to being out of your comfort zone with photography, but the company has decided to try out something new. More like a new project to work on. We've recently gotten the news that another really popular company has agreed to collab with us."

Jungkook tilted his head in confusion. Something new? He was happy about the collab though, the popular company would boost up their company too, and not to mention, that meant more attention to Jungkook's photos since he was almost like the visual of the company, not that he was being selfish or anything.

He just personally thought his work deserved recognition.

"So what kind of project are you talking about? What exactly will I be taking pictures of?"

"Oh, not what kookie, who. You'll be photographing our newest and most popular models, Park Jimin."

His Entrancing Good LooksWhere stories live. Discover now