sleep, crying, and most important, fruit

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Robbie awoke abruptly and jolted up, seeing a view of cloudy pre-sunset sky against the wacky architecture of Lazytown. "Wha- what happened? How come I'm HERE?" A sparkling voice laughed from behind him. "You fell out of a treehouse window and fainted when you fell into my arms, as far as I know." Robbie whipped around, his eyes wide. "Sportacute-I MEAN UM UH- SPORTAKOOK?!" He buried his face in his hands to hide the returning blush, and nearly fell off the bench they were on. Sportacus laid a hand on Robbie's shoulder to steady him. "Don't go falling places again," he remarked, "although, yes, I will always be there to catch you. Anyway, what's got you so flustered, Robbie? And why did you call me...Sporta-cute?" He hesitated to repeat the last word, a nearly-hopeful twinkle shining in his eye. Robbie screeched inhumanly. "SORRY I UH I DIDN'T MEAN IT UM AHAHA IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I'M CLUMSY WHEN IT COMES TO WORDS HAHAHA-wait, did you say Robbie? You saw past my disguise?!" Sportaflop's expression seemed to dim. "oh, you didn't mean it?...okay..." he said in a small voice. He laughed it off, his energy and charm re-brightening. "And yes, Robbie! You know I always do!" (The emotional tension of the situation was absolutely infuriating.) "On a side note," he added, trying to save the conversation, "I really like what you've done with Rottenella's outfit. You're such a talented designer!" Robbie's blush refused to leave his face. Sportacus started blushing too, but out of anxiety, tried to find a quick way to escape the situation. He made a beeping noise. "Oh that must be my crystal!" Promptly, he jumped up off the bench. "Gee! I'd better go! Bye Robbie!" He smiled at Robbie, patted him on the shoulder, and did a cartwheeling backflip that was more spastic than usual, careening over the wall. Once he was out of sight, Robbie positively melted. He slunk down onto the floor, and released a shriek resembling that of a fangirl's squeal. "I fell out of a treehouse..! INTO, SPORTAFLOP'S, ARMS?!" He released another strangled squeal. "And then he SMILED at me, and I FAINTED?! And I called him SPORTACUTE. OUT LOUD." His next marvelous noise was (yet again) definitely not human; it was an amalgamation of excitement and embarrassment. A realization stumbled into his brain. "Waitwaitwaitwaitwait he was actually SAD when I said I didn't mean it, which could ONLY MEAN THAT HE-!"

"He called me Sportacute?! And he said he didn't mean it but then he was blushing really hard?!" Sportaflop confessed to the stark white walls of his airship; he was flipping all over the place with twice as much energy as usual. At this point, he knew he was blushing too. "But now I feel REALLY BAD because I just- FAKED my crystal beeping to escape the situation because I was going to burst with glee any second! I don't think I'm supposed to do that, and I REALLY don't wanna lie to my friend...! What do I do?! How do I solve this! How do I tell him how I feel?! He looked at his clock and realized it was 8:00 at night. "OH MY GOODNESS! I didn't realize it was getting this late! I really have to go to bed! He did his nighttime routine at lightning speed and snuggled up into his bed. To his dismay, his mind raced and kept him awake. He couldn't stop thinking about Robbie, and having had no previous romantic experience, he had no idea what it could possibly mean. Deep into the night, he tossed and turned, wavering in and out of dreams and consciousness. After his long, sleepless night, the sun bounced into the sky; Sportaboi hadn't ever noticed how weirdly abrupt the change seemed, because he was never awake for it. He groaned; instead of smiling and flipping out of bed, he stretched and groggily hit the floor. "Wow, I'm only this tired during my sugar meltdowns," he commented, "insomnia really isn't my thing. I wonder why Robbie kept me up...?" He walked (WALKED!) over to his pantry, touching its opening button with a lethargic step. Every kind of sportscandy was on the wall; the sight filled Sportacus with glee, and some of his energy returned. One bite of an apple had him back to his normal flippty-floppity self. He exuberantly made himself breakfast (today, it was freshly-squeezed pineapple juice, prepared with overly too many aerobic stunts. Again.) Once he finished, his crystal flashed and beeped. "Someone's in trouble!" His guilt about yesterday momentarily returned, but he shook it off and steered his airship down to the town.

Ultramarine (Sportacus x Robbie Rotten)Where stories live. Discover now