the kiddo's secret plan

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Rottenella was sprawled on the fluffy orange chair, her legs dangling over the side. She was absentmindedly watching Robbie make a new contraption to ease his mind. It had been two days since the rocket incident, and it was also the day the children had chosen that they'd execute their plan. In fact, Rottenella's nonchalant laziness was actually an act of inconspicuous patrol to make sure Robbie didn't realize what was going on. However, with how scatterbrained he currently was, she could have hired a whole orchestral parade and set them loose through the town and he STILL wouldn't have noticed. Glancing at a watch that Pixel had lent her, she saw that it was 6:30 in the afternoon- sunset. The optimal time for Sportacus to be done with his last major patrol. She took note of this- any second now, her father would lose his head over Sportaboi again. She pitied his overemotional state, but knew that tonight, he'd feel better, thanks to the deviously marvelous plan she and her friends had concocted. "Like father, like daughter," she thought with a little grin. A screech interrupted her- he had reached his wit's end, and he promptly laid face-down on the floor. It was time to begin. She reached into a hidden pocket that she'd sewn into her dress while Robbie wasn't paying attention, and she flicked on the walkie-talkie that Pixel had made for the plan. "You seem as if you would benefit from a walk. As an insider to their activities, you can trust me when I say that they aren't actively busy today." She breathed in, and said the key word; "In fact, I daresay they're being lazy for once." She put her hands behind her back matter-of-factly, and turned the walkie talkie back off in another swift motion now that her first step was completed. Robbie turned his head to face her, his expression brightening a bit as he registered her statement. "Also, according to the way the human body works, you do need some fresh air. Therefore, I recommend you pause your latest scheme and head up to the surface." He opened his mouth to protest, but didn't wanted to argue with a walking dictionary; the evidence stacked against him, and he silently pulled himself up and walked towards the exit hatch. He fumbled with the latch; Rottenella had conveniently coated it in a mixture of oil and butter earlier, so his hands wouldn't be able to grasp it right. The others had at least 5 minutes to get the next phase of the plan done while she stalled for time in looking for something to help clean the latch. (She'd taken into account the messy disorganization and utilized it.) Rottenella smiled smugly as she briskly strode to the closet; the first phase was in motion.

Pixel, having received the radioed message, nodded to the others; they were sitting around him eagerly, waiting for the chance to strike. Stingy grinned, cackling quietly and exiting the treehouse. He gleefully plopped into his trusty car; it had a wagon attached to it that held an overabundance of triagonal signs from his garage. Trixie hopped in the wagon too, armed and ready with her shovel. They quickly zoomed around, Trixie hurriedly digging tiny ditches and potholes, and Stingy placing signs neatly in front of each one. They were strategically placed so that Robbie would go a certain direction on his walk; the destination that they would also lead Sportaflop to. Once their task was complete, they contacted Pixel, who sent out the next wave. Ziggy immediately jumped up, a bag of taffy wrappers in one of his hands. He and Stephanie climbed down quickly, with Ziggy purposely littering the trash behind him like a Hansel and Gretel trail (mentally, he apologized to Sportaclean.) Stephanie held a note in a cylindrical tube, ready to be mailed up to the ship once the time was right. Pixel intently watched his computer; it had little icons on them that showed where each of the townspeople were. He looked at the mapped-out plan so far, and watched closely for the little chibi heads of Stephanie and Ziggy to reach the designated spot (which was a clearing to the northwest of the center of the town; an area that the kids didn't often go to, which meant it'd be safe for the encounter to happen.) They reached the spot, and they split to their own tasks; Ziggy arranged the bag under the bench and on the wall behind where Sportadude would sit, letting the sugar scent waft into the air; he returned to the clubhouse quickly once he was done. Stephanie backtracked to the beginning of the trail; the mail cannon. Another message from Rottenella came through on the walkie talkie; "Ok, he's out meandering. Mail time." Pixel signaled his pink friend to shoot it, and she did, sprinting back to the clubhouse after doing so. Pixel pulled up the live footage of the camera he'd hidden at the meeting spot, and cast the video to the projector he'd set up. Once Rottenella had sneakily escaped the lair without Robbie noticing, they all gathered around on the floor, waiting eagerly for the scene to play out.

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