part forty five - ok james we get it now leave keith alone

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k.kogane: that moment when your ex comes and knocks on your door while youre with your bf 😳 for real though i'm fucked up this is fucking weird and i feel bad for lance oops anyone know his address 👀


katieholtisgay: as you mother fuckin should

g.riffi.n: come on you know you miss this ;))
klance.shipper.23: stfu keith and lance are the cutest couple everrrrr
ilovelance: and that is on P E R I O D.


-30 minutes earlier-

"i still can't believe you got me to watch the bachelorette," keith whispered into lance's mop of brown hair.

"shh... someone's getting eliminated," lance elbowed him, spilling popcorn all over the both of them.

keith laughed and shoved lance. offended, lance gasped. he retaliated with a kick to keith's ribs and suddenly it was an all-out wrestling war.

lance fought dirty, scratching his long nails into keith's side, making him wince.

keith was a show-off though, and would not relent. flexing his muscles, he showed off his strength by lifting lance over him and flinging him back down to the couch on his back.

"i win," keith muttered breathlessly, a cheeky smirk on his lips as he hovered over lance.

"i let you win," lance teased and pressed their lips together. their wrestling session became a make-out session as the bachelorette played forgotten in the background.

lance lifted keith's shirt over his head and-


"are you expecting anyone?" lance asked as the doorbell rang and they both quickly sat up.

"um... no?..." keith muttered, confused. "probably just the mailman."

not bothering to put on a shirt, keith opened the door wearing just his grey sweatpants.

to his surprise it was not the mailman. unless james suddenly got a job as a mailman.

"james... what the fuck are you doing here?!" keith groaned, rubbing his temples.

the brunette looked him up and down with sly eyes. "i think we should get back together."

frustrated, keith began to raise his voice. "there is no fucking way that i'm going to leave my amazing boyfriend for you. we had fun, yeah, but i'm past that. so please leave me the fuck alone."

"i know you don't mean that."

lance must have heard their loud talking and sleepily walked to the door. his eyes went from tired and lazy to wide and alert as he laid them on james, immediately stepping protectively to keith's side.

"oh. he's here..." james muttered with disdain, taking a step backwards. "this isn't the last you've heard from me keith. you look great by the way."

with that, james turned and left, leaving keith and lance stunned on the doorstep.


a/n: yall KNOW i love the jealous ex cliche. no apologies for that. i ammm sorry that i took so long to upload this tho sorryyyyyyy xxx also it might have errors lmao i didnt check it oops

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