Chapter 27 - The journey

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"Coincidences mean you're on the right path!" ~ Simon Van Booy 💕

10th February 2020, 9:00 pm.

Currently waiting at the airport for my flight to arrive. I've checked in my luggage but I still don't know where I'm flying off to. Can you believe that? Dr Sharma assured me he would email me all the details, but I haven't received anything yet. When I spoke to him earlier today, he said he was busy with back to back surgeries but assured me he would send it as soon as possible.

My family were very unsure of this spontaneous decision of mine to work abroad for sometime. I have been abroad for work purposes before but I've given them enough notice to prepare themselves. This was very last minute so they were very hesitant but of course they would not stop me. They knew it would be a new experience for me. Mum has not stopped ringing me in the past two hours since I left to check up on me and see if everything is alright. Typical moms.

A chauffeur was sent to my house who accompanied me to the airport. Once my passport check was done, I was assisted by a worker who checked my luggage in for me and escorted me to the business class waiting room. I did not even receive my boarding pass. She assured me that my boarding pass will be shared with the flight crew, and I did not have to do anything but sit on that flight. She did not even tell me what plane I was boarding. I'm sat here cluelessly trying to figure out where I'm flying off to. This is ridiculous. Luckily, I packed both winter and summer clothes because god knows where I'm going to end up. I guess I'll only know once I board the flight. We started boarding the flight around 10pm as take off time was 11pm. The flight attendant checked my passport and immediately smile.

"Ah Doctor Murthy! I have your boarding pass right here." She said with a smile as she confirmed my details.

"May I have my boarding pass please?" I asked politely.

"Of course ma'am. We'll give it to you once you're in the flight." She replied with a big smile.

Whenever I saw flight attendants, they always had such a big smile which sometime made me question whether it was even real or a facade they had to put up. They could've broken up with their boyfriend prior to starting work and will still stand there with a big smile on their face.

"Why not now?" I questioned.

"We just need to cross check some other details but don't worry I will personally come and give it to you in the flight." She reassured me as she noted down my seat number for me.

"Okay, thank you!" I said as I took the piece of paper and headed inside.

Once I was inside, we were once again welcomed by some more flight attendants with their big smile. I started to search for my seat, and it was not so hard to find as it was quite close to the entrance. I took my coat off and put it in the overhead compartment and then made myself comfortable.

The past 24 hours have been so hectic that I did not even get a chance to message Manik. He's probably in New Zealand by now. The first thing I do when I get off this flight is ring him. It's not because I miss him or anything. I just don't want him to think I'm rude for not thanking him for the flowers. It was soon take off time so I adjusted my seat belt and prepared myself for take off. The doors had officially closed and everyone was instructed to remain in their seats. The pilot did his ritual welcome speech which I was not interested in at all, but one phrase caught my attention.

"This is your Emirates flight from Mumbai, India to Auckland, New Zealand."

New Zealand? What the fudge? What were the chances of this happening? There are over 190 countries in the world and I land up in the same place as Manik. God, is this a sign? I had mixed emotions running through me. I would be in the same country as Manik again. I would get to see him. However, am I really prepared to meet him so soon? I thought this trip would give me some time to gather my thoughts but that won't happen. Then again, Manik doesn't know I'm in New Zealand so I don't need to meet him. There you go, you're doing it again. You need to stop pushing yourself away from Manik. You have to give him a chance, remember? 

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