Chapter 12 Lunch

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Hey guys! first of all sorry guys, I know I took very long to update but here it is finally. I don't know how many of you are still with this story. Those who are still here do vote and comment your views. Happy reading.


Kiara P.O.V.

After that awkward moment because of Mayra, I introduced her and Sanaya to all and as you guys can guess these two are also gonna join us on lunch.

So, currently me, Sanaya, Mayra, Swati and my mom, we all are in the kitchen preparing lunch. Cutie is playing with all boys outside, at first when I tried to give him to the devil to come to the kitchen for help, he refused to let go of me but after a little bit of coaxing he let me go.

"So, why they all are here?" Mayra's voice brought me to reality again.

"I don't know," I replied plainly.

"What do you mean by you don't know!! Didn't you ask that ex-boss of yours the reason for their sudden arrival?"

"Yes Kiara, I didn't know boss left early from the office today because of this reason!!" it was Sanaya this time with that stupid teasing smile playing on her lips.

"Stop talking about nonsense stuff and first you both tell me the reason for your sudden visit?" I asked them after giving them a glare for their stupid questions.

"Oh, so now I can't even come to my best friend's house without telling her in advance!!" Mayra said with a fake hurt in her voice for which I awarded her with an eye roll.

"Ok. Ok. I come here to check on you, that whether you are fine or not." Just like I thought she cares for me so much.

"Awww. I'm fine May." I said giving her a big tight hug.

"You two are giving me best friends forever goals right now," said Sanaya while looking at us, we gave her our sweetest smile and Mayra dragged her by grabbing her wrist to make her part of our small hugging moment.

"If you three are done with your hugging moment then can you guys please work little faster because we all are starving now." My mom said and Swati just gave us her cute smile.

We broke from our hug and started working again to make lunch.

And then that one more question popped in my mind.

"But how come you both came together?"

"Oh, actually no. We don't came together. We just met outside." Sanaya said while cutting the vegetables for the salad.

"And as soon as we told each other our name we knew who is who. I think you know how!?" May completed her answer. And yes, I do know how they know who is who. I had talked about May with Sanaya and about Sanaya with May.

"Yes! Yes! I know." I replied with a bored voice.

"But I still wonder why they all are here!? And if they all here where is cutie's mom?" I was thinking about this for some time so it slipped from my mouth before I could stop it.

"Hmmm, yes. Where is she?" Mayra also asked with curiosity.

"You don't know?" Sanaya and Swati asked in unison. Oh my!! How can I forget his sister is also here and I was practically gossiping about her brother!!

"What?" I smiled nervously while looking at Swati.

"Really!! You worked at the Malhotra Corporations for a week and you didn't hear about this anything?" Sanaya again asked with the same shock in her voice.

Okay. Now, that's irritating. What the hell is this thing that I don't know?

"No Sanaya. I don't know anything. Now, would you mind telling me what is this that I don't know which is making you this shocked."

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