Back to Hell

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Despite Elizabeth's somewhat awkward throw, the knife still managed to strike Ennard, sinking into its head right above its right eye.

Some sort of dark substance began to trickle down from the wound.

Although the demon's face seemed to have a permanent and unsettling look of delight, Elizabeth could see shock in its eyes, as if it couldn't believe that she was actually able to push past its influence and hurt it.

The feeling of her body attempting to resist her movements faded slightly, but only slightly.

"Lizzy, Lizzy..." Ennard shook its head, taking a step closer to her. She took two steps back in response. "You never did know what was best for yourself. It seems that I will have to use more than my influence over your mind to make you mine and mine alone..."

Elizabeth backed away even further.

"Just remember... I warned you."

Made tangible by the blood of somebody it had previously bonded with -- somebody that it possessed, Ennard could now be hurt.

Elizabeth knew that this also meant that it could -- and was definitely about to try to -- hurt her back.

Now, she had been verbally and physically abused by other people for most of her life. More often than not, she felt powerless against them. She felt afraid of them.

And she felt a very similar way about Ennard. It was certainly powerful. And she was afraid of it. Scott, she was afraid of it.

But Elizabeth would be damned if she let herself be used as some sort of murderous puppet again.

Ennard lunged, very quickly closing the space between them.

They both hit the ground, Elizabeth ending up pinned beneath the demon.

The claws at the ends of its spider-like fingers dug straight into her shoulders.

Its jaws snapped at her, slowly getting closer and closer.

Elizabeth tried as hard as she could to force it away. She pushed against its ribcage with her boots, she pushed against its disgustingly slimy head with her hands.

The thick, pure black, blood-like substance that oozed from Ennard's wound dripped onto her face, alongside a load of drool.

"You will learn to obey me!"

Eventually, one of Elizabeth's hands lost their grip on the demon's slick skin and slipped.

Rows and rows of sharp, needle-thin teeth sunk into her skin. Pain exploded throughout her entire arm.

It wasn't quite the worst pain she had ever felt, but it was far from pleasant.

Elizabeth pulled at its lower jaw with her free hand, attempting to get it to release her arm.

Her eyes frantically scanned the area around her.

The redhead could hit Ennard all she wanted, but it wouldn't truly go away until it was set on fire, according to what Charlie had told Jesse.

Of course, she already had her lighter on her, but she doubted that it would do very much on its own.

Rather quickly, her eyes found Gar.

She had already forgotten that he was there.

He was still sitting in the exact same spot that he had shifted into not long after Elizabeth had gotten off him.

Her gaze fell to his tool belt. There was a cylindrical object sticking out of it.

"Gar! Give me y-your toolbelt!"

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