Chapter 6 : Roommate

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The sleek red bus, filled with students who were excited for the upcoming destination. The bus rocks them side to side as they were travelling on a highway, they have no other choice but to daydream or rest, and all of them were feeling curious mixture of cozy and bored.

Some of them were talking and telling jokes, blending together in the sweet ritual of friends. Some of them were sleeping and some listening to the music. But most of them spent their time looking into their smart phone, checking their texts and scrolling into social applications, the addiction of their age.

After a long journey, the bus wheels began to touch the smooth tarmac as they were about to reach their destination. The road stretched along the beachside.

"Everyone! Look at your right" yelled Singto suddenly.

Those asleep were awake. Their eyes were bleary, reaction slows, tiredness running in their veins just as the same as their blood. It took forever, it seems, to the students but anymore. Some faces were scowled. Slow they turned their heads to the right. The bus window shades were pulled.

The oceanic view was the first to greet their view, it was so beautiful like it was a painting. The dreamy sea was its own master. The oozing waves were beautifully sculptured by the God. It was magnificent.

"Hey Gun, open your eyes and look!" New pointed to the beautiful view from the outside of bus window like he never looks at such thing. The endless ocean view was so captivating.

"uhm...."muttered Gun while slowly opened his eyes but felt heavy, he tried to wake up anyway. Then, he was awake by those views, like his eyes were immediately wide opened. Everyone on board was amazed by the astonishing panoramic views of the sea.

They can felt the ocean was calling them. The feeling of excitement became everyone's joy as they want to step their foot onto the white beach sand and wet themselves into the sea. The bus began to shake because of the rough surface of the uneven sand.

Everybody was shook too but they were in joy. The bus driver parked the bus at a spot behind the cafeteria. His hand reached the bus key and twisted to shut its engine.

"Congratulation, you have reach your destination"

"Everyone listen, carefully take your belongings inside above compartment" said Singto loudly. Gun pulled his hood right over his head and rolled his long sleeves . New who sat next to Gun, stood to get his bag.

Everyone seems to be happy, but not for Gun. Something in his mind that made him uncomfortable. He just walked and got off bus. Everyone went to the lobby of the resort.

The golden white sand stretched far away. The cool sea breeze was the first to greet them. The sky was blue with some clouds could be seen. Next to the beach was a resort. Those wood chalets looked very cute. Few people were playing beach volleyball.

"Everyone, it's time to find you a room, but first, you will need to pick up a number from this box to indicate your room number" said Singto while holding a white covered box, filled with small pieces of paper. Everyone queued in one line. Each person get to draw one piece of paper from the box.

"You guys will be paired in a room. Found your same number buddy" said Singto loudly.

"au!... I thought we will get one room each person" New interfered.

"No, honey...." replied Tay sweetly to tease New. New raised his left arm and clenched his fist, left his middle finger up stood in the air in response to Tay. Tay who was standing right next to Off was smirking.

"Naaahhh... Someone is liking you, New" teased Gun and giggled. New just shook his head and scowl formed on his face. Everyone get into a line, and waited for their turn to pick the number from the box. After a while, it's time for them to be paired.

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