The Walkman's Tale

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(The doorbell rings, Rebecca sluggishly makes her way to the door and answers it)

Rebecca: So, did you bring it?

Ravi: Yeah, here it is.

Rebecca: Hmm, quite an antique you've got there. My grandpa had one that looked exactly like this. Technically it was his, but  it was with me most of the time. I even carved my name on it ... inside the Cassette slot.

Ravi: I see.

Rebecca: He was a huge fan of Kishore Kumar. Every week, he brought home a new Cassette. I would sit on his lap and we'd listen to songs together. We called it Cassette Day. Whatever happened, he never skipped Cassette Day. One day, he lost the Walkman, I literally cried my eyes out. To me, it wasn't just a Walkman, I loved it more than anything, I still do. It was one of the few things in my life that hadn't abandoned me. I felt like a part of me had been lost that day. To cheer me up, grandpa sang all my favorite songs till I stopped crying.
Ravi: That's sweet, I didn't know you had ... emotions.

Rebecca: Shut up, I don't.

Rebecca: So, why did you want to see me all of a sudden?

Ravi: Uh ... For the uh ... Walkman.

Rebecca: Come on muffin, how long have we  know each other? What's bothering you?

Ravi: I uh ... wanted to ... talk to you ...

Rebecca: Did you miss me that much? You've only been gone for a week. Could you hand me the screw driver?

Ravi: Here you go.

(She opened up the Walkman and took a good look at the motherboard, she set up her soldering kit and waited for the soldering iron to heat up)

Rebecca: So where did you get this? Amazon? I didn't know they sold these anymore.

Ravi: No, uh ... My grandma gave it to me when I went to visit her, she said it belonged to her lover or something.

Rebecca: Lover? Oooo.

(When the soldering iron was at perfect temperature, she began working on the motherboard with extreme precession)

Ravi: Yeah, she said she loved someone back in her day, but couldn't get married to him coz ... he was a Christian and she was a Hindu, you know ... She tried to convince her parents to let her marry him, but they forced her to marry someone else, someone they chose. Eventually, she made peace with the decision, but she never stopped loving him. Every week or so, they would meet in a cafe. You know, the Bollywood themed one in my neighborhood ... 

Rebecca: Oh yeah! The one we used to go to back when we were in High School. We bunked way too many classes. Too many memories. 

Ravi: Yeah, that one, amazing samosas right? I still haven't tasted a better samosa than the ones we get there. Apparently, he gave it to her. From what I heard, it was very precious to him.

Rebecca: Damn! How come you never told me about this?

Ravi: Well ... everytime we talk about anything even remotely sentimental, we end up having sex.

(Rebecca stopped working on the Walkman for a brief moment and stared at Ravi seductively)

Rebecca: Hehe, good point. So is that why you're here?

Ravi: Why is it so hard...

Rebecca: Oh yeah!

Ravi: I'm not talking about my ...

Rebecca: You're not?

Ravi: I wanted to talk to you about something ...

Rebecca: Go on then, it better be important enough to delay sex.

Ravi: I was thinking, maybe we should take it slow, it's not you, it's me, I'm not ready to take this relationship ...

Rebecca: Did you just google "how to break up with your girlfriend" and tell me the first three results that popped up?

Ravi: I ... Uh ... It's not you,  it's me, uh ...

Rebecca: But why?

Ravi: I can't marry you Rebecca, I just can't. You're a free spirit. You don't want to be bound by the shackles of mediocrity, the burden of family and all that but I want kids, I want to be a dad! I want to give my children everything my dad couldn't give me. I-

Rebecca: What? ... What?

Ravi: Woah! Would you please point the screwdriver elsewhere?

(She stabs the screwdriver into her study table where it sticks perfectly. Ravi flinched)

Rebecca: Seriously ... what??? Ok, Ok I get it now, Alright guys, very funny, where are the cameras? You can come out now.

Ravi: Rebecca ...

Rebecca: We discussed this more than enough times. You said you wanted the same things as me!

Ravi: That's because I want you!

Rebecca: Don't be lame ... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to joke about your broken leg.

Ravi: I'm sorry, it's just that I wanted us to go on like this forever. I thought that I could, but I can't, I just can't. I can't ask you to give up your way of life. I can't-

Rebecca: So you're telling me, from the moment you climbed up that hill and proposed to me with those Kurunji flowers that bloom once every lifetime ... you were lying to me?

(Rebecca's expression softener, her eyes grew moist)

Ravi: Rebecca ... Please don't cry.

Rebecca: Speak for yourself. What's wrong with you? You've never been through a break-up! I'm your first girlfriend, we have been in a relationship for seven f***ing years! Trust me Ravi, Breakups hurt! The longer the relationship, the more agonizing the break up is. You're a very emotional guy, I like that about you but this break up will destroy you muffin ...

Ravi: Speak for yourself. I'm sorry, the longer we wait, the harder it will be for me to go through with it.

Rebecca: Is it something I did? Is there anyone else?

(Her aggressive vigour returned to her after that remark)

Ravi: No! There's no one else.

Rebecca: Yeah, you're right. Stupid of me to assume you can get a chick.

Ravi: Hey! Anyways, I've made up my mind Rebecca, there's no changing it, the longer this conversation goes on, the harder it will be for both of us. I'm really sorry Rebecca ... I ...

Rebecca: I see, so that's how it's going to be ....

(She pulls out the screwdriver stuck to the study table and without uttering a word, tries her best to focus on fixing Ravi's Walkman)

Rebecca: There, it's done. There were a couple of loose connections and short circuits, but I took care of it.

Ravi: Thanks ... You won't come to my room at midnight dressed up as Freddy Kruger and cut me up right?

Rebecca: No

Ravi: You'll be okay right?

Rebecca: Just ... Leave.

(Ravi let himself out. Before he even beckoned the elevator, he could hear things breaking from the general direction of Rebecca's room.)

Ravi: Alright, I know just the thing that'll help me with my break-up. Arjit Singh's songs! On a Walkman!

(He opened the Cassette slot, took a cassette out of his pocket and was about to insert the new Cassette when he noticed some scratches in there)

Ravi: What's this? looks like someone's name has been carved into it.

(Ravi squinted as he tried to read what was written)

Ravi: R-E-B-E-C

(He didn't need to complete reading it to know whose name was written. His jaw dropped at the realization)

Ravi: Holy F-


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