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    The Hermits flooded the sky, zipping over islands, searching all of the shops. Finally, after a few minutes of searching, they all stopped. A short blinking message popped up on their communicators.

        "Found him"

Mumbo had started in the most obvious place, Grian's base. At first, he didn't think Grian was there. But as he was going to leave, he heard something. He followed the sound to a corner of the base and realized the thin square cut into the floor. Mumbo knelt down and pressed his ear onto it, and heard the noise louder. This time, he could distinguish it. It was Grian sobbing. Mumbo sent the message along with the coordinates and waited. One by one, the hermits began to arrive. Finally, when they all were there, Mumbo pulled on the square, revealing a ladder beneath it. He began to crawl down, all of the hermits descending behind him. 

        "Grian?" Mumbo called as he reached the bottom. He turned and was met with a sight he was not expecting. Rows and rows of red flowers, an aisle between them leading to a large face built into the wall. Grian sat at the front, facing the large face. Mumbo walked toward him as the rest of the Hermits entered the room. 

        "I miss him so much..." Grian said as tears continued to fall down his face. Mumbo sat down next to him and looked over at him.

        "Who was he?" He asked softly, and Grian turned to look at him. The rest of the hermits stood behind them as he began. 

        "His name was Taurtis." He started, and as he continued, a sad smile crept onto his face. "He was my best friend. We would hang out every day, build something new, go on adventures. The thing about the place we were though, after a while a portal would appear. Taurtis, the rest of us, and I would go into the portal and be in a new place. Thing is though..." The smile began to disappear and was replaced with more tears. "2 years ago, we went through the portal. Only thing is, I ended up here, without him. I have no idea where he ended up, but the last time we were separated, this," He motioned to the rows and rows of flowers. ", this brought him back." He looked from his rows of flowers to his rows of friends, looking at him sadly. He sighed and continued his routine of going to the chest, picking up a flower, and planting it in a new section he had just dug out. 

        "Grian, I'm sorry this all happened. But, what does it have to do with the party?" Scar asked innocently. 

        "Yeah, you kept saying it was our fault..." Mumbo said quietly, and Grian took a deep breath.

        "I...I had a dream the other night. Taurtis was there, and he was talking to me. He told me I could get him back on the night of the anniversary. But you guys made me go to the party..." Iskall looked down at his watch.

        "Oh my god, we made you miss your chance." He put together, and Grian nodded sadly. 

        "Yeah..." Grian finished planting the flower and stood. He looked at them sadly, and suddenly Mumbo walked over to the chest. Grian watched as he picked up a flower, planted it next to Grian's, and waited. The rest of the hermits took the hint and also began to plant flowers. Grian watched in silence as they all stood behind their flowers, looking to the next flower to be planted. Finally, they all stood behind their flowers and looked to Grian, unaware of what to do next. He smiled sadly at their apologetic gesture.

        "Thank you all. Really. I'm sorry I got so angry back there. I may never get Taurtis back, but at least I have all of you." He sighed and stopped for a moment. The room was silent, except for an odd noise. It sounded like very muffled coughing, almost sounding like coming from under the dirt. 

Dun Dun Duhhh!!! Hehe probably like 1 or 2 more chapters left! Thanks for reading, this chapter was a lot harder for me to write than I was expecting, but still, I persevered. Also, hey, wanna support your local writer on a different platform? A fan of Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us, or Critical Role? Well, you should come on down to my Youtube channel! A lot of times a chapter is taking me forever is because I'm working on an edit. Anyway, no pressure obviously but go check me out(My username and profile pic are as the same as they are here). I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

Red Flowers //Hermitcraft & Evo\\Where stories live. Discover now