We Meet Again.

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And I Oof, How u guyz? I'm back.- oof. Well idk what to say I'll just StarT


'It's been 5 year since the the chosen shadow left town and I still need to protect this village from the "Disasters",I really need to get out of here and help him. What was his name again...ha...hayi?...oh never mind its not important ' Hanabi thought to herself, I went to the scarlet sect to find another worthy protector for the village, "Yin accepted to protect the village at all cost and I trust him.since' he's the only boy here I guess...' I went on one knee and tapped his shoulder I trust you to protect our village at all cost even if it costs your life...a young girl in the shadow sect will help you.'.. He agreed I went up and smiled "Good luck". That was the last word I said to the young boy, I was jumping from roof to roof when I saw a figure standing on one of the roofs,I went to see who it was but there was no one there I kept seing it everywhere then I fell. I lost my balanced and fell to the bushes "Gaaaah!" I yelled while I was falling, there was a bang when I landed my legs really hurted since it was a 2nd floor house "Hello, is someone here?" a man's voice asked, I kept quite until he leaves, a few minutes has passed and everything was quite I stood up and went out of the Bush then. WOosH! Someone covered my mouth,i couldnt breathe so i attacked 'it' with my higanbana,it let go of me,And there i saw i- HIM The shadow and scarlet Traitor  i froze for a second until he started attacking "URGH,STOP!" i yelled,suprisingly he stopped "what a pity human,Are you really the well known HANABI from the scarlet sect?"HE smirked "youre a disapointment,A disgrace to the sect look at you youre so WEAK" He began laughing "Tc-" a shadow grabbed me "ga-" it was another ninja from the looks of it it was a ninja from the shadow sect "Haya-Kun! He's Trapped !" A girl's voice yelled,he droed me unto the floor real hard i eventually hit my head and it started bleeding but it wasn't that bad.."UrgH,what the Hell." i moaned,i saw a ninja and the .. i forgot her name...but she was familiar...i stood up and grabbed my weapon.

"HIGANBANA" i throwed my higanbana at the Traitor from his body,from what i knew about Him is,HIs name is Hanzo he's 15 years old...Hes skills are fairly powerful but his shadow is from his main body.He went back to his body and started attacking me "PITIFUL HANABI,YOU DARE ATTACK ME?!" He yelled started attacking with his sword,I dodge every attack,but he was still more stronger i fell to the floor and my whole body was covered with bruises . "URgh" i moaned loudly A shadow caught him from the behind and he fell unto the floor unconscious . "Are you alright" The Crimson Red eyed Ninja asked "Y-yes" i stood up and lost my consciousnes.

Hayabusa's POV

"She passed out." i mumbled "Kagura,You can go home know" I went near a white haired girl holding an Umbrella "Ok haya-kun,Stay safe!" She waved and left "i went back to the traitor and a girl's unconscious body's,I carried them back to the Grandmaster's of the Shadow sect. He was shocked to see me "HAYABUSA,Did you caught the shadow traitor,Why are you back so Early." I nooded and he pat my shoulder "Good job.go get some res-" He looked at the girl im carying "isnt that young Hanabi?" He asked "i dont know her sensie" He sighed "Hmm...Ok go take her home And get yourself some rest" HE went back in with the traitors Body "Wai-..." He closed the door "were does she live.." I mumbled 'Guess ill just take her home..' i went in my old house and  Put her on the sofa I covered her head with a bandage and some of her bruises,and i went upstairs to take a rest.

NO ones POV

Hanabi woke up earlier than Hayabusa,She couldnt recall what happened yesterday,Her head was hurting real bad "UrgH" she moaned and stood up to grab a cup of drink.Hayabusa went down to see a girl drinking water. " Miss?..."?"Hanabi looked at Hayabusa,theyre eyes met "Ah,sorry..."Hanabi apologized "It's ok...Im hayabusa from the shadow sect. you?" I introduced myself" Im Hanabi,The scarlet ninja from the scarlet sect." Hanabi continued drinking  water "Ah...are you ok now?"Hayabusa asked "kinda...thanks for the help yesterday Hayabusa." Hanabi went near Hayabusa "It was nice meating you Hayabusa see you around." Hanabi waved goodbye and went outside and started walking back to her house.

Hayabusa's POV

"I havent been home for years this place is getting dusty" Someone knocked at the door,I opened to see Grandmaster/sensei "Good morning Hayabusa...How was your'e rest,i saw young Hanabi went outside your house is she ok?" Sensie asked "Good morning sensie,Miss Hanabi is alright,and my rest was good,do you need my help?"I bowed "No,i just wanted to reward you for your great work,It must be hard Finiding the Shadow Traitor,How did you find him?" Sensie asked "Miss Hanabi helped me find him sensie and Kagura too" He looked confused "Is that why young Hanabi was Hurt?" Sensie asked "Yes sensie.".."Ah...ok thank you Hayabusa for your time i will see you later" He pat my shoulder and disappeared...'Hanabi? were have I heard that name from?...'Another knock,I opened the door to see Kagura "Good morning Hayabusa !" Kagura smiled cheerfully "Good morning Kagura...do you need my assistance?" Kagura looked confused "No!,i just wanted to say hi I saw grandmaster at you're you must be busy!" She was holding her umbrella "yes im kinda busy,We can hangout tomorrow if you're alright with that" I scratched my head,in the distance I saw 'Hanabi' "Haya-kun?,HAYA-KUN??" Kagura was kinda pissed since I was ignoring her "HAYABUSA!!!!" Kagura shouted and cought my attention "A-ah Kagura,sorry my mind was floating" I chuckled,Kagura sighed "You must be tired,Well see at the park tomorrow bye!" She went off with a smile,i closed the door and my head was hurting bad I stood up and went to the shelf,i blew the dust off since it was dirty,there was a girl's photo but her face was all covered with red crayon,her hair was black it couldn't be kagura...

                                                                   TO BE CONTINUED <3

sorry for not posting recently something came up at school ^^

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