| ×Blood Moon× |

234 11 4

Notes are at the end of the chapter. 💙💛❤️

No one's POV

Hanabi and Hayabusa started walking out of the Shrine in Silence...

"May I ask where you got that ribbon from?"

Hanabi looked at him and thought of who gave it to her.

"Ah yes... One of my childhood friends gave it to me when we were dueling... He said my hair was beautiful and I should cut it"

Hanabi gave a little laugh.


He smiled under his mask.

"Why do you wear a mask almost everywhere?"

Hayabusa looked at the Ravennete with Blue Ocean eyes.

"I wear it for... Something personal I can't tell you I'm sorry."

Hayabusa touched his Mask.

"Oh it's ok, It's your privacy!, I wear a mask too but I barely wear it since eveykbe knows me."

Hanabi grabbed a black mask out of her pocket.

"It's Rare how both of us Have Black and Red in our Costume"

Hayabusa noticed.

"And Fishnets..."

He pointed out his elbows.

"Oh yeah! I mean the black explains but the Red really is rare"

Hayabusa nodded.

"It's a nice Colour."

They kept walking down the Mountain Shrine..

"So Hayabusa... How many years did you try capturing the Sect Betrayer?"

Hayabusa looked at the Ground.

"Around 2 years..."

Hanabi smiled.

"That's so long! at least you finally found him right?"

Hayabusa gave a nod for a response.

"Well start the search tomorrow?"

Both of them Finally reached the bottom of the hill.

"Yeah sure... Let's meet here."

Both of them said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways.

Hayabusa met up with the White-haired girl Kagura on the way and they chatted and Kagura went safely back to her home.

Hanabi Went past some Friends and made small talk she got distracted and started walking on the roofs looking at the moon... She went home safely as she opened the door fixing her clothes for tomorrow.


Hanabi woke up from her Alarm Clock going Off, She did her daily routine and Made breakfast for herself... After eating Breakfast she tied her hair and wore her clothes, Putting on the mask as she exited she made her signature ponytail using a red Ribbon... She got there early and decided to use her phone for a while.


Hayabusa woke up and made breakfast for himself, still adjusting to the new lifestyle... He ate his breakfast, bathe, and then changed clothes, he wore his mask and put on his hoodie while walking towards the Shrine.

He arrived seeing The Ravennete already there waiting... He already informed Kagura of what he and Hanabi are gonna do today.

As he arrived from where he told them to meet up he saw the certain raven-haired girl with blue eyes that can seemingly hypnotize you and lose the sense of reality if you stare at it for too long...Hanabi was using her phone... Hayabusa approached Hanabi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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