. I Dont Know Why.

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Hello guys! Well enough of me blabbing ill talk in the end of the chapter just warning ya theres alot of typos and grammar errors so... Yeah... Hope yall like this!

Hanabi's POV

Hayabusa's been one of the top of the shadow cult but sometimes my mind drifts away when i think of him, if a flashback occurs i only see a black figure with me but i always get nostalgia after that i guess i really liked this someone.

"Hey Hanabi...?"

I looked at my back to see a Magenta haired girl with a sniper in her hands.

"Oh, Lesley i didn't know you were coming here?"

Lesley patted my shoulder and sighed.

"I lost my brother again... He's always with his friends but he never ever asked if he was allowed to go out, What a stubborn brat."

Lesley sighed and saw a brown tail around the corner... She rushed and said goodbye to her dear friend.

"Im so sorry Hanabi!, i think i saw one of my brothers friend!.. Cya around!"

I was left alone once again no one attacked or fought in this village for a long time Hanabi was tired sitting there waiting for things to happen... She lended her job to another kid in her sect one of the strongest to handle the job the kid was 5 years younger than her.


A brunnete boy came running towards her at full speed.

"Ah kleo!", How are you today"

The brunnete told Hanabi that a certain blonde didn't want to help him with the job they were assigned and that pissed him off.

"Dont be too rude its a girl after all, you guys will get along sooner or later, Jusy try to be kind and don't be too clingy"

Hanabi patted the brunette kleo's head and smiled.

"Kleo!, Its time to go home!"

Kleo's mom was waving at Hanabi as Kleo went near his Mother... There was someone patting my shoulder i turned around to see a tall muscular guy with red crimson eyes and raven hair.

"You're miss Hanabi right?"

I turn red for a second processing what wad happening and nodded.

"Master would like to see you this certain day... He wants to talk to us privately."

I followed the raven haired guy to the shrine and as the master went near us we bowed with our knees in the ground.

"Hanabi, Hayabusa you certainly shocked me with your current performance... Hayabusa you've been taking absolute care for Kagura and Hanabi your teaching a student currently right."

The raven haired guy stopped bowing so as I and answered his question.

"Yes master i have been teaching one particular kid from my sect to be the one taking over my job...He is still currently in training but he's quite strong.."

The master smiled and looked at The raven haired guy wich is hayabusa.

"You have been taking care of young Kagura for the past years and you cought the betrayer...as you were assigned to do... Am i right?"

Hayabusa nodded.

"Sadly im not gonna be here for too long... And someone else will currently take my place but... I have one last assignment... For the two of you"

I was in shock but the ravennete next to me looked... Scared? Terrified?..

"Go get the traitor... The traitor that broke the relationship between the shadow and Scarlet sect's relationship... As you two have known the relationship between this sects are quite... Violent... I want you guys to find the father of the current betrayer we have right now. "

As we both noded and agreed with the assignment... Master left and we both were sweating like hell.

" I personally didnt know you that well but i guess you might be a strong companion to be with. "

Those words made my heart skip a beat making my face turn crimson red, i turned away looking at his eyes that were shining.

"I don't know why but i think i know you somehow... Or somewhere."

I looked back to see him staring st the ground murmuring words

"i feel the same way... But i think its just a coincidence... That gut feeling really messes up your head am i right?"

I stood up and walked beside him giving him a helping hand i could barely see his face but know for some reason I know he's smiling... He accepted my offer and seemingly looked at the ribbon on my hair.

short chapter oof 730 words only dang... But im sorry for the typos its like 12:51 in the morning and i think i need to sleep thank you so much but if you have any suggestions on what you would like me to add on the story i woukd likey add them,😊❤️Have a good day and night sorry for the typos and stay safe my gamers and weebs thank you so much for 70 readers in this book! Im fairly tired and i think ill kinda focus on this book a little since it barely had any chapters so yeah bye!!

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