Chapter 18

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It was that part of her memory that she both wanted to forget and remember.

The slaughter of her kin...

Madonna despised having to stroll down the memory lane which was wrapped with more of pain and cruelty than pleasure.

Times of yore were the only element that could get her vulnerable and silent. Otherwise, Madonna loved her selfish nature. She liked it when she was not being thoughtful of anything or anyone and just go ahead to do what she desired.

It was those selfish times that made her who she was presently.

But the mention of her kin made her quiver inwardly. She could still see the horrific sight of her father getting slaughtered followed by her mother and brother like it happened just the precious day.

If it wasn't for Orla, she would have been dead as well but Orla was able to save her and hide her before she was found. And from the day she saved her, Madonna could only think of avenging her kin.

She still did not know why Alder Emor killed her family so brutally with any remorse. She did not know the motive behind ending a strong and powerful Witch and warlock family like hers. It was still a puzzle to her how Alder singlehandedly killed a very powerful ancient witch along with two powerful warlocks who has royal blood in them.

How he managed to kill them alone was yet another mystery to her.

Orla knew the answers to her puzzles and Madonna had inquired her several times regarding the issue but Orla wanted her to learn it herself than hearing it from her.

She knew Orla did not mean it as she once told her that she did not want her to know the truth yet. Orla wanted her to know the truth when the time came.

"You are annoyingly quiet again." She heard her husband's familiar voice which held no annoyance opposing his statement.

Madonna looked around and found the sun just rising from between the mountains and the birds are already out of their nest to start their living for the day.

She spared no glance at him as she was still thinking over the fact he knew of her family murder and his father's contribution in it which he shouldn't have known.

No one other than Orla and few very close and trusted allies knew of the fact that Thorn household has a girl child. Her mother and father were too protective over her for some unknown reason that they did not ever tell anyone of her birth or her existence.

They made certain she was well taken care of and away from any danger. Orla being her mother's close friend knows of her. That was it.

"We are nearby the Timber Lake, if you wish to rest for a moment then suit yourself." Lucius interrupted her thoughts as he left tired Madonna by the lake and walked away to get her something to eat.

They had not eaten anything since they resumed their trip. The previous night had taken a sudden change in ambiance when he had reminded her of her family's death.

One moment he was feeling something pleasant stirring in his heart for her and the other moment she went quiet and vacant at the mention of a piece of her painful history.

He shouldn't have talked of her family.

Madonna took a relaxing breath as she sat on a large rock near the lake and looked over the vast water body surrounded by mountains and forest.

It was a pleasant feeling to be alone and surrounded by wilderness when she was surrounded by the thoughts which she was not seeking for right that moment.

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