Chapter 3

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Madonna was prepared.

She had an inkling of what Lord Lucius Emor was capable of. After all, he was an offspring of two people who held some great miraculous powers.

She was prepared to receive the Lord anytime soon but never did her visions warn her how she would be meeting him. She had not expected the scorned Lord to appear before her as a part of her sacrificial rite and end up ruining the ritual all over.

But what she was not prepared for was how he affected her. She was a witch and she had seen a good share of charming good looking men all her life. She had even used and manipulated them as per her wish but the Lord – he was enthralling.

The moment her eyes landed on the rough face, she knew he had her. She was so beguiled by him that it had scared her. Never did a man influence her in such manner.

There was no hiding that the Lord who was titled to be invincible has her affection.

However, that was the very thing she was struggling to keep out of her life. She should not allow any man into her heart for her own good. The moment her heart starts thumping for a man, her consequences of her future would be disastrous.

"He has Knox." Madonna mumbled casually, giving away no emotion. She examined her long shaped nails which were colored in bright red and smiled at the beauty of them.

"He will not stop there. He will be here again to ask, threaten and force out answers he needed." The elder woman spoke as she took in the sight of the young witch who seemed to have been lost in her thoughts.

What might be so amusing for the young woman to smile in such a manner, she did not understand.

"And I will not let him know where you are, Orla." Madonna whispered again lost in her thoughts. She was certain that the elder witch has concocted yet another web to put all the puzzles in their right place. She had to give it to her, Orla was one strong and a clever woman, witch or not.

Orla chuckled and looked at Madonna sporting great amusement in her eyes. She was laughing at the struggle the young witch is going through and she was not going to solve it. It would be fun to rile up the struggle a little more to get the right closure the beautiful young woman needed.

After all, Madonna was a dear child of her friend. Orla has done an astounding job in raising a great woman after her friend died, leaving her daughter in Orla's hands.

"On contrary, I wish you to take on pain in leading him to me. I shall meet him and I shall meet him when you take him to me." This surprised Madonna. She was astonished by the fact that the woman who knew the man in question was threatening her life, wished to meet him.

"You wish to meet him? You deliberately staged his sister's death by Knox's hands, Orla. He has no idea what you did was on purpose. He has no inkling of how you are intent on destroying his whole family." Madonna could not help but yelp in concern.

She was the woman who raised her, who taught her everything and who gave a purpose to her life. Orla had turned every stone to protect her and train her as a strong and a powerful witch.

Hearing from her how she intent to expose herself to the man who was behind her with ill intentions worried her. Madonna was the sort of woman who worries frequently. Orla has done her job in assuring her how worthy she was, but now, seeing the older woman being suicidal has shook her cool demure.

"Calm down now, young lady. He does not know I had done everything on purpose. His prime aim was Knox and he got him. Now that we have no use of Knox, the Lord may have his fill in avenging his sister. Although, Knox shall be dead before Lucius could reach me." Orla elucidated as she made her towards her dear Madonna.

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