Chapter 25

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Confronting and revealing herself to Fina was an startling feat on her and Orla's part as well. Madonna had not expected to disclose herself to her younger sister after keeping her away from herself for nearly two decades.

It pained her. It pained her to keep the young one from the knowledge of her kin and herself but it was to be done for her own good.

Unlike Madonna, Fina was less of a witch and more of a Phoenix which was not very good. Being the only Phoenix alive with almost no witch traits to defend herself was what made Madonna and Orla to put her into hiding to begin with.

Madonna was overwhelmed by the heart break when she has seen the girl with much lesser esteem in her own eyes. There was no confidence in her eyes and those bright eyes have innocence mixed with fear and submission.

If Madonna has fate in her hands, then she would amend it to make Fina's living much more untroubled and precious.

It hurt more when Madonna reminded herself of the life Fina was forced into. Anger coursed through her as her hatred for the elder Emor intensified several folds.

Oh she was not going to leave him. She was just getting started and she shall inflict such pain into him that the world shall be witness to the cruelty he had brought on himself.

She shall not kill him for it was much easy punishment. She shall play him, weaken him, hurt him, burn him and then kill him slowly taking her own granted time.

Wiping out the stray tear of anger that rolled down her cheek, she turned to the sleeping male in the room and took her place beside him.

Madonna was well aware of Lucius sneaking out of their bedchamber and going into the depth of dark woods intently. She would have followed him and know what he was up to but when the red whiff of fog appeared from her ruby ring showing her the view of Fina's little house in the forbidden woods, she had to go there to aid Orla from prying young Phoenix and give answers to her qualms.

Letting loose the hidden magic inside her, she casted a spell to appear right in front of Fina's little cottage as she has no much time to while away.

Although she had revealed how both the sisters were associated, she had to conceal the tale behind it. How the mother she thought was dead gave birth to a girl years after was a disheartening long tale that for the other day to be exposed.

She had assured her younger one that she and Orla shall answer her soon when it was just the right time for her to know.

Reaching back to the Traven bedchamber before her husband was back from his secret summit; she took her place on the bed and fell in deep thoughts regarding everything that was taking place.

The stealthy attack of wits she and Orla were about to give to Alder, the trouble regarding Fina and her protection' regarding Lucius and not to forget the burning kiss they shared.

The sheer intimacy between them and how she had took in all the affection he had rained on her has troubled her thoughts.

One, they had kissed albeit with affection and desire coursing between them, yet he was doing just fine. How?

Two, with the desire and other sentiments that were pushing her towards Lucius was disturbing her.

She was out in the light and dark with only motive of destroying Alder Emor and his associates painfully; however, the nurturing warmth between herself and Lucius was unsettling.

Madonna still could trust Lucius. She could not understand and his motives towards her. She did not know who holds his support and who don't.

With Lucius, it was a blind shoot of arrow hoping to hit the right spot despite the dark.

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