30 Days

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Tina got out of bed and stretched. 30 days had passed since they had an accident. 40 days had passed since she hugged Daryl good bye. She walked outside and was greeted by many of the new members of the group.

She walked over to Carol to get breakfast. "Just remember, I liked you first," the pixie haired woman laughed.

Tina sneered. "Why do these people even like me? I'm just a sour bitch," she laughed and ate some of the breakfast.

"You saved a lot of them, you go out and get us food, keep us safe, they have no reason not to like you. even if you aren't exactly Sally Sunshine," Carol laughed. 

"Oh shut it," Tina smirked.

"Uh, Tina ma'am, I'd be honored to shake your hand," a dorky teenage boy with nerdy glasses known as Patrick said.

Tina sloppily licked each of her fingers and put out her hand for the boy to shake. He shrugged and shook it. She laughed and went to find Rick. 

"Hey there," Tina whispered and put her hands on his shoulder from behind. He had been working on a farm so that soon they wouldn't even have to go out for runs. "Hey there back," he said and turned around and kissed her.

They had hooked up a couple times after Daryl left. 

"Well that's new," she said pointing to a walker across the fence with blood surrounding it's eyes.

"He's just as ugly as the rest," Rick inquired and continued raking. The green eyed woman sighed and looked over at their horses and pigs.

"Hey," she said and walked over to the small pig pen. What's wrong with Rosey?"

"Oh don't name them, they're food Tina," Rick scolded and followed.

"I'll name them whatever I want," she stated simply, hating that he always felt the need to talk down to her.

"I don't know, hopefully Rosey gets better though," he said, including the name of the pig she had used knowing he had upset her.

"I'm going on another run," she said and grabbed one of the horses.

"Why, we're doing fine on supplies!" Rick complained.

"Judith's running low on formula and me and Maggie need some girl items that I don't believe you'd feel very comfortable getting," she stated matter of factly.

"Please be careful, take your gun," Rick pleaded and helped her on the horse.

"I never go anywhere without it," she acknowledged. 

"You're leaving again?" Carl questioned while walking over to them.

"Yeah, we're low on certain supplies. Don't worry buddy, I'll bring you back some of those comic books I know you love," she smiled.

Carl laughed, "Don't forget your hat," he said and handed it to her.

"I wouldn't forget it for the world," she genuinely smiled and placed it on her head.

"I'll be back soon," she told the two and left. 

Tina often went on runs by herself, the truth is that she was looking for Daryl. She wanted more than anything for him to come back and hated herself for letting him go.

The independent woman arrived at an abandoned house that looked to be in good shape. She tied the horse to the mailbox and went inside, gun raised. The woman cleared all of the rooms, then went to work taking all the antibiotics from behind the mirror in the bathroom and taking all the tampons from the small closet. She looked in the basket next to the toilet and laughed. About 10 different magazines of Playboy. She grabbed them and put it in her bag, some reading material for Rick. 

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