The Star Dance

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Jack's POV

I felt really bad about lying to Elsa, but it had to be done. How would she have reacted to finding out that I was going to the dance with Tempest?

I was almost happy about the meeting Tempest had scheduled, because it gave me a chance to escape Elsa's questions. When I made it to the meeting place, Tempest was already there.

"You made the right choice Jack." She said.

"Elsa better not get hurt." I warned her.

"I promise, neither me nor any of my friends breathed a word to that fre- girl."

"You better not have."

"You can pick me up at 6."

"That's like, an hour before the dance is supposed to start!"

"Just leave your house by six at least. If Elsa comes calling, it will throw her off the trail."

"I'm not showing up at your house a minute before 6:45."

"Fine. See you then!" Then she was walking down the hall, leaving me more worried than ever.

--- night of the dance ---

Elsa's POV

I scrubbed my hair with the towel one last time, making sure I had bleached it all back to normal. Yep. I did my hair into its usual braid, then added a few snowflake clips. Afterwards, I put on my favorite blue dress (ice one from movie) and put on some makeup. I was supposed to meet Pitch outside of the school doors around 7.

"Bye Anna!" I called.

"Bye! Did Jack finally ask you to the dance?" She asked.

"No, he's helping his mom. I'm going with Pitch."


"Who are you going with?"

"Kristoff. You were right, Hans was a real jerk. He just wanted to kiss in the halls. But Kristoff is the real deal."

"Just don't go too fast."

"Don't worry, I won't." I slipped out the door and walked quickly down the street. I had one stop before the dance. I had swiped Jack's address from Noah, and I intended to tell him that I was going with Pitch. He deserved to know, right?

When I reached his house, I knocked on the door. A little girl answered. She looked a lot like Jack, except she had brown hair and eyes. She grinned when she saw me.

"You're Elsa aren't you! Are you going to the dance with Jack?" She asked. I smiled.

"I'm Elsa, but I was coming to talk to Jack. Is he around?"

"No, he left about an hour ago. Wow, you really do look like a princess!"

"I thought Jack had to help your mom?"

"No, mom is out tonight with her friends. Are you and Jack going out together?"

"I don't know. I hope so. He's amazing. Are you his little sister?"

"Yep! I'm Emma. Well, I hope you find Jack. Bye!" She closed the door, leaving me more confused than ever. Jack had lied to me... but why? I hurried to the dance. When I arrived, Pitch was waiting for me.

"You look... Elsa! What happened to your hair?" He burst out.

"I bleached it back to normal." I said.

"Why? Why didn't you ask me first?"

"Do I have to? It's my hair."

"Next time, ask me first."

"It's my hair Pitch. If I want to turn it back to normal, I will!"

"But now you look like a... like a freak!"

"Excuse me?!?" I burst out, half angry and half hurt.

"You heard me! With that hair, you're nothing except a freak." Pitch stormed.

"I thought you were in love with me."

"In love with you? No. Not you. How you looked. There's a difference. How could anyone love someone who looks like a freak?"

"Jack loves me. And I love him too. So go make someone else miserable." Pitch started laughing.

"You think he loves you? He didn't defend you against his friends. He called you names. He went behind you're back. He lied to you. And he's going to the dance with a different girl."

"No. He... he's helping his mom."

"He left his house at 6. He went into the dance with my sister, Tempest, a few minutes ago. You remember Tempest, right?" I felt like I had taken the ice bucket challenge. Basically, someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on my head.

"He hates Tempest. He would never go to the dance with her." I said weakly. But I couldn't even convince myself.

"Go inside and see for yourself then." Pitch said, stepping aside. I slowly walked into the gym, dreading what I might see. Tempest was probably standing near Jack, making it look like she was with him. Or maybe it would be someone who looked like Jack. But what I saw was 100% real.

The room wasn't very full because the dance had just begun. Jack was near the punch. He was unmistakable. He didn't look entirely happy, but he wasn't leaving. He was arm in arm with Tempest. She looked shocking in her violet dress and heavy makeup. But she was laughing and talking with everyone. I dropped my small bag I held, and it thumped as it hit the ground. A few heads turned to me, including Jack and Tempest. Tempest grinned slightly and waved, but Jack looked horrified.

"Elsa! Elsa, please, I can explain!" He shouted, shaking free of Tempest and running towards me. I stood my ground and folded my arms.

"Start explaining." I commanded.

"I wanted to take you to the dance, but Tempest told me if I didn't take her she would kill you." Jack said quickly.

"Jack, do you think she really could have gotten away with murder Scott free?"

"I... well, she has done some pretty bad stuff..."

"She can't murder someone and get away with it."

"But she was going to hurt you!"

"So you lied to me? Did she force you to tell me you were helping your mom? Did she force you to tell me that the Star Dance was boring? Did she force you to tell me not to go, that I should stay home?"


"No. Jack, you're sweet. Your heart is in the right place, and you could really make a girl happy. But not me. I've learned my lesson. If you play with fire, you get burned. If you mess with the bull, you get the horns. I'm sorry Jack... but this isn't going to work out."


"Goodbye Jack." I whispered. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, and I turned around to leave. I paused and picked up my bag, then left. I didn't even glance at Pitch as I left. I had learned my lesson. Boys were never worth it. You would always get hurt in the end.

I would never love again.

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