Because of You

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An example of what can be found on Jack's locker the day after the dance.

Jack's POV

I stood stunned for a moment. Did I just get dumped? She actually dumped me? I had never been dumped before, so I wouldn't know. I mean, I'm not dense. I know when I'm being dumped. Aaaaand I just got dumped.

All around me I could hear people whispering to each other.

"It always happens. Every year." A girl told her friends.

"Bringing another girl to the dance? What was he thinking?" A different girl complained.

"Was that Elsa, the new girl? But I thought she was a loner!" A guy pointed out.

"She just dumped Jack Frost? But he's like, so dreamy! Why would she do that?" A girl sighed breathlessly.

"I bet you five bucks he won't go after that freak." A guy told his friends.

"Elsa, wait! Hold on a second!" I burst out finally, pushing my way through the crowd and out the door. Pitch was standing nearby, grumbling and kicking at rocks.

"Where did Elsa go?" I asked him. He looked up.

"If it isn't Jackson Frost. Now you're talking to me? A bit late for that. And how should I know? I no longer care where freaks like her come and go." He snapped.

"Why are you here anyway? Tempest said you were staying home."

"Tempest is a gifted liar. As a matter of fact, I asked someone to the dance. But she was late because she was asking her boyfriend, I mean ex boyfriend, if it was ok if she went with me. And then she stormed off."

"Hold it. You asked Elsa to the dance?"

"Unfortunately. But now she won't even look at me just because I called her a freak because of her hair. And basically called you a backstabbing liar."

"Did you and Tempest plan all this?"

"Yeah. I was supposed to end up with Elsa when she saw you with Tempest. But no! She had to bleach her hair back to normal!"

"You guys are jerks! Why won't you leave us alone?"

"Call it family disposition. I'm going home." And with that, Pitch turned and left. I thought about going to Elsa's house, but then I decided to let her cool down. I could talk to her tomorrow at school. So I slowly trudged home. No one I cared about was at the dance.

--- the next day ---

When I got to school, I was really surprised. Something had changed. I felt it in the air. People looked at me differently. Angrier. Disgusted even. I made my way to my locker to drop off some books, but I stopped cold.

My locker was covered in memes and photos. Elsa in tears. A meme that said, "This was Jack's last girlfriend. Still love him?" Another was a picture of me with Tempest. That one said, "Any guy who goes out with Tempest should rot in a dumpster like the trash he is." Then there were a few handwritten notes telling me that I was a jerk to Elsa and saying that they hoped I was happy. And under all of that was an old flyer for the Star Dance. Except it had been changed to say:

All girls beware!

Boys be warned!

It's Jack Frost!

Sure to steal your heart, he will bring nights filled with tears!

To him you'll never be the special one, and plus he used to be taken!


I pulled all of the papers off of my locker and stuffed them in the trash. Then I trudged to class. At least it was a class I had with Elsa. We could clear this all up then. She couldn't still be mad at me, could she?

The good news: There was no violence, tears, or silent treatment.

The bad news: Elsa wasn't there.

I looked for her in lunch too, but I didn't see her anywhere. When I stopped by Elsa's house after school, no one was home. It was as if they had vanished off the face of the earth. I went to bed feeling very worried and confused, and I didn't fall asleep until midnight.

The next day, I searched the school for Elsa. There was no sign of her. I was starting to feel desperate, so I looked for Anna. Maybe she could tell me what was going on.

When I found her, she looked different then usual. She had bags under her eyes, and her eyes were slightly red. Her hair was a little messed up as well, as if she hadn't been paying attention when she got ready for the day.

"Anna! Can I ask you a something?" I asked.

"What? Oh, sure." Anna said with a yawn.

"Thanks. Do you know where... are you ok?" I asked, changing questions as Anna yawned again.

"Oh, oh yeah. Just haven't gotten much sleep lately." She replied, rubbing her eyes.

"Ok. Well, do you know where I can find Elsa? I really need to apologize." I said. Anna's eyes began tearing up, and I instantly wondered if I had said something wrong.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"No, it's just... no one has seen Elsa since the night of the dance." Anna confessed.

"But... you mean..."

"Elsa is missing. No one has seen her for two days."

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