Rematch (Part II)

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A/N: You Know what Music to Play when Shit goes down

Y/N and Kylo slowly walk in a circle, glaring at each other. Kylo exerts more electricity that crawls along his arms. Y/N then clears his mind of everything, focus on getting out of this alive, and putting his former boss to his mercy.

Kylo then roars as he lunges at the Jedi, Y/N moves out the way quickly as Kylo's electrified fist flys past him but Kylo turns and backhands Y/N into a wall.

Y/N grunts as the added electricity puts more damage on him. He shakes it off as Ren charges again, throwing rapid punches squared to hit Y/N in his face. He dodges expertly and tries to hit Kylo with his Saber. Kylo then grasps the blade with his hand, if the force lightning wasn't surrounding his hand, it would surely cut his hand through like butter.

Y/N is shocked as he tries to pull the lightsaber out Kylo's hand. Kylo smirks as he ignites his cross guard weapon and swipes at Y/N head. Y/N manages to move his lightsaber to protect his head and the sabers clash.

They both grunt as they try and get the upper hand. Y/N then pivots and lands a rib-crunching roadhouse. Causing Kylo to fly back and yell in pain as he looks at the Jedi with pure hatred. They then both dash at each other and grapple.

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Kylo then seems to get the upper hand but Y/N headbutts Kylo and force pushes him away

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Kylo then seems to get the upper hand but Y/N headbutts Kylo and force pushes him away. Kylo slides across the ground as Y/N leaps up to strike Kylo.

Kylo moves out the way and unleashes force lightning towards Y/N, Y/N puts his lightsaber in front of him to block it, just like he remembered Mace Windu doing against Palpatine.

He struggles but then spins away and uses the Force to lift Kylo in the air. Kylo screams in defiance as he is thrown against a wall. Still in the air, Y/N flings him into the destroyed chair the Emperor once sat it, putting Kylo right through it. Y/N charges again at Kylo with a high slash, Ren blocks it and spun inside, landing a hard elbow to his opponents temple. Y/N drops to his knees and Kylo caves his chest in with a hard kick, sending him a few feet away.

Kylo walks up to the downed Jedi,

"The Emperor... told me to kill you. That you were NOTHING!"

Y/N winces as he gets up slowly,
"I-is that... what he said?" He lets out while laughing a bit.
"Sounds like a loser."

"Now..." Kylo says as he grips his saber tightly,
"Where's Rey?"

"I ain't..." Y/N says while coughing, "telling you shit."

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