Just Fought A Dead Man

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Ochi's ship inside is dead quiet as Rey stares at her right hand in disbelief

"I.... I did this." She whispers to herself

Y/N approaches her from behind and grasps her shoulder

"You know it wasn't your fault."

"It was..."

"No, you know damn well Kylo provoked that-"

"Chewie and Mindy are GONE!" Rey emphasizes as she turns around to face him,
"That power came from me!"

Rey then takes a deep breath,
"Y/N, there are things you don't unders-"

Y/N interrupts her, "DONT!" He says before taking a deep breath,
"Don't give me that. And even if there are, you can tell me."

"I had a vision..." she begins to explain, or atleast try to, "of the throne of the sith... and who was on it."

Great... let me guess...

"Who was it?"

"Ren..... and me."

Ookkkayy I was NOT expecting that.... but lightning out the fingertips gives quite the heads up

Rey then hugs Y/N around his neck, Worried he would think less of her. He hugs back just as tightly, reassuring her.

"We got this Rey."

The Millennium Falcon is being pulled by Tie fighters towards A Star Destroyer.

"We recovered the scavengers ship, but she got away." General Hux explains to General Pryde.

"Under the command of The Knights of Ren, we suffered casualties... a transport destroyed. But there was another transport in the desert."

Pryde stops to look at Hux,
"It brought back some valuable prisoners."


The generals approach a door and when it opens up, it reveals Chewie and Mindy, with neck restraints, cuffs, and surrounded by troopers.


"Get these.... damn things off- fuck it. You won't listen anyway." Mindy says as she gives up on trying to get out

Hux smirks as he turns to Pryde,

"The beast used to fly with Han Solo."

Chewie roars at Hux's back, causing him to jump a little in fright

"A-and the girl, is one of the Resistances best fighters."

"Damn right I a-"

"Quiet!" A troopers yells at her as he tugs on her neck restraint

"Hmph... take them to Interrogation 6" Pryde states as he walks away

"Move!" The troopers yell as they guide the prisoners to their new destination

"We only got 8 hours left... What are we gonna do?" Y/N questions as he has an arm around Rey, with Poe standing in front of them

"What can we do? We have to go back to base."

"We don't have time to go back, if we do Mindy and Chewie died for nothing!"

"Y/N, Chewie had the dagger!"

"We just have to f-"

Wait a minute

Y/N then looks at Threepio,

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